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  1. P

    Super Street Fighter 4

    Yes and No, some of them will only work in the perfect situation. So if they block, or you are off target by the smallest margin it won't come out right and you'll be stuck with the macro playing and probably be punished for it. If you want to use any of them online, stick to the simple special...
  2. P

    unlimited sprint macro

    maybe rapid LS clicks? I'm going to try it when I get home.
  3. P

    Super Street Fighter 4

    Sure will. I hope Juri 24 will work out for you. It's too bad the Xbox 360's D-pad is complete garbage.
  4. P

    Super Street Fighter 4

    Just finished E.Honda. Will start working on Blanka tomorrow. I'm definitely going to redo Ryu and Ken's videos and put them in for the more recent 2 when I can.
  5. P

    Dead Rising 2!

    So I don't know how fast it's supposed to go, but give this a shot, and if it's not fast enough change the speed multiplier.
  6. P

    Super Street Fighter 4

    I can't say I can help you out there, sounds tricky though. If you can do, hammer to High Jump, you should try recording it and see if that helps.
  7. P

    Super Street Fighter 4

    FADC: yes, the tricky part is determining when to start the attack, but after that it's easy. Jump in time for an attack to the head is 0.5s after the start of the jump, but for a few of them you need to move the attack further down because you won't be able to chain the attack unless your air...
  8. P

    Super Street Fighter 4

    OMG i just read the post with the beta software and I can program the analogs properly now, priorities have be realigned: Calculus Assignment, Woman, SSFIV, Sleep, Family Time.
  9. P

    Macro Recording

    Holy crap this software isn't messing with the analogs anymore, time for more SSFIV. Thanks!
  10. P

    Super Street Fighter 4

    Unfortunately I'm busy working on my calculus assignments, so I haven't had the time that I had before for macro creation. Also, charge moves are being a pain because of the analog stick glitches that are screwing up my inputs. Special moves are just as important in my opinion. If anyone wants...
  11. P

    Super Street Fighter 4

    Yeah, I usually space out the button press every 1/10th of a second to start, make 5 different Macros and assign them to tac switches. Then from there see which one gets blocked(too late) and which one doesn't show the last action(too early), then do the same thing in between those 2 markers.
  12. P

    Super Street Fighter 4

    Copying and Pasting what?
  13. P

    Super Street Fighter 4

    Yeah, sure, I'm still planning on doing them all, but haven't because I'm using the analog sticks for the motions and there are a few too many glitches to work through with the timeline editor with them to be efficient. Not to mention University taking up most of my time.
  14. P


    from what I've been seeing, 5 and 10 sps work, but 10 sps empties the clip in the same amount of time, everything in between tends to skip a little bit. Easy way: take the 8.9 sps from the black ops section, open it in the macro editor, click the grey gear, and mess around with the speed...
  15. P

    [OFFICIAL] Post Software Errors with

    Re: [OFFICIAL] Post Errors with Different analog shenanigans. Saved: [attachment=2:2gtydwtd]Before.jpg[/attachment:2gtydwtd] Loaded: [attachment=1:2gtydwtd]After.jpg[/attachment:2gtydwtd] It seems as though its extending my last dot past the circle (like the last analog thing i...
  16. P

    Macro Recording.

    That is what you use to select the playback button. The recording software records everything that happens on the entire controller.
  17. P

    Help downloading recorded macro

    You need to click the button with the arrows away from controller, and it'll show up as "recorded.vkm" on the playback switch you assigned it to on the macro assignment page.
  18. P

    Macro Recording Accuracy

    I'm interested in this higher sampling rate. I'd like to try it out with a few of the harder platformers (N+, Super Meat Boy) to see how it works out.
  19. P

    Red Dead Redemption horse riding

    Odin... I think you mean one of those to say triggers as opposed to sticks both times. Jabber, I think your second point is mostly right, since technically the macro controller can't override the "on" you have by holding down the A button, yet it still plays the macro, just having no effect on...
  20. P

    Red Dead Redemption horse riding

    All of my macros loop when held. The way the rapid fires work for RT is by cancelling the press. Since the chip overrides any user input while a macro is running, they set RT to the lowest value on the timeline editor. Since there is no pressure value for the buttons I guess it's not possible to...