Yeah, the issue is that the game won't let you do that. I was just playing it tonight with a friend and tried to teabag him (like in halo) but it won't work because the game stores the second stick click to stand up half a second after you've entered the crouch. So unfortunately, for Red Dead it's impossible.
As for competitive Street Fighter there are 2 issues. The first being a need for moves coming out from both sides. Pretty easy, just need to switch left/right dl/dr ul/ur, but I haven't really done any yet. The second being the precision needed. Pro players need to change their combo timings very slightly from where they hit their first attack, or even change the combo completely because some links may became impossible to do. These work in the trials because the A.I. is not moving and doesn't block the first hit, which allows me to time everything out from a consistent starting position. Obviously some would be very beneficial to do instantly (fireballs, uppercuts, command throws, super/ultra), and some of the smaller trials (usually 6-10) are definitely used frequently in higher level play, but the massive combos at the end of the characters trials require situations that are too perfect to ever occur in a live match, not to mention the damage scaling making the combo not worth the effort. I'm going to stop here because I could literally write a text book about the possibilities of macros in a live match, and the mechanics of high level play, but I think this post is long enough for now.
If you have any other question feel free to ask, and I finished Chun-Li's trials the other day, she's got some pretty cool ones.