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  1. N

    Macro mw3 razer

    Our controllers are for the xbox 360, not the PC.
  2. N

    Tut: Getting 100 Conjuration in under one hour of not even playing!!

    I'm the opposite. I'm having trouble enjoying cod anymore, it's starting to get old. Skyrim though - not getting old lol. Try playing skyrim with friends, ask them tips, etc, it's really quite fun.
  3. N

    Tut: Getting 100 Conjuration in under one hour of not even playing!!

    Illusion is pretty useless in Skyrim to me :( ... it was so good in oblivion!! Then they got rid of invisibility/chameleon spells :(
  4. N

    Invalid file format

    Are you using the newest software? Download that, install, and then try. If you are using the CD version - that is an old version of the software and you should not even use that.
  5. N

    Tut: Getting 100 SpeeechCraft in under 1 hour using your macro controller!!

    You probably could mod yourself 100 speechcraft in under 5 minutes for the PC version.
  6. N

    recoil on assault rifle in BO?

    Not certain if he meant the Famas, or if he meant guns "like" the famas - as in other assault rifles. Every assault rifle requires a different anti-recoil, and none are perfect. It's best not to use an anti-recoil for a gun unless it has a perfect recoil - such as the Barett .50 Cal in MW2/3
  7. N

    quick scope macro

    Yep, try just assigning the "record feature" to two your tac switches, and then record yourself quickscoping.
  8. N

    recoil on assault rifle in BO?

    Could you be a little bit more specific? What gun/game are you wanting an anti-recoil for?
  9. N

    quick scope macro

    I'll get to it next time I have a chance. In the meantime, you can try to make it yourself too!
  10. N

    Mod blocking?

    Not sure if this was removed, but as I last tried it it was working. Based on your controller's firmware and the software you are using - this may or may not work. Assign the macro below to your RS. When you press it, it will COMPLETELY DISABLE THE RS FROM THAT PAGE. For example - you cannot...
  11. N

    do this PRETTY PLEASE

    Seems too erratic. Joystick movement varies, as well as where to stand and where the enemy must stand.
  12. N

    Major problems with USB ragnorak

    Odingalt will assist you when he is on the forums next.
  13. N

    My back Macro Buttons On The Right Wont Click Anymore

    I see what you mean. You can try to pull them out slowly but don't try too hard or it'll hurt the problem more. Just kind of move the tacs in a circle and kind of try to bring them out. If this doesn't work, make a support ticket.
  14. N

    Right Stick doesn't work . . .

    Just pm the addresses, it is useless to take a picture of it with your name. It doesn't help the issue.
  15. N

    Happy Birthday Odingalt

    Happy Birthday!
  16. N

    Modern Warfare 3 Turbo Riot Shield Not Working

    Not certain! It might! Is that what you have been using? If there is a big difference I can make a QuickDraw Pro Riot macro...
  17. N

    Possible Drop Shot Macro???

    That requires a shift key. Unless you'd like to put the dropshot on your tac switch?
  18. N

    Question before I buy...

    You can have rapid-fire for RT on RT or on a tac switch. You can rapid-fire any button on that button or on a tac. You cannot reassign LB to A, or A to LB UNLESS there is no function. Example: COD MW3 - A is to jump, LB is to throw a tactical grenade. You can put A on the LB button, but then...
  19. N

    Modern Warfare 3 Turbo Riot Shield Not Working

    The turbo riot works fine for me, I can make an edit for you. Can you please upload your .vks so I can take a look? Let me know where you have your turbo riot assigned to (what page, what tac switch)