The one from 8am is still processing, it should ship tomorrow. We got hammered with orders in the last 24 hours so the shop was so busy we were still catching up on orders and are shipping about one day behind now. (one day after orders are placed) We were slipping to two days behind but I'll have all weekend to hammer it out at the shop and get back on track by Monday morning
I think im blind... can someone post a link to where I can buy a chip from the website... I cant find it
It's been a nice month after a really long slow year! I think the public has spoken - macro controller is just not that popular to the masses - people are loving the new Ragnarok platform and the customization options (and the lower price vs. the macro controller!).
You had to click the do it yourself link on the home page and then click the buy now button that pops up
I would've absolutely loved to have purchased the macro controller if it wasn't so expensive. It's an awesome controller and has some of the greatest features ever for just about any game you want. Idk what the price first started out being but if it was kinda near the price of the Ragnarok, I would've bought it. I paid $174 and change on my custom Ragnarok. If the Macro was selling for like $180 or $190 I probably would've bought it. Either way, still completely happy with the 360 Ragnarok, almost exactly what I was hoping the newer model to be like so I'm thoroughly happy with my investment.
super slick alternative to the macro. Is there a send in? I just poked around a little bit, but the features look super awesome. Is there a way you guys can add auto spot for BF3 and/or Gears3 in the future? Thats the only thing that its missing, but you guys are already way more awesome than those evilcontrollers guys :/
Can you describe how auto spot works?