any fifa15 skill packs or runes?


Maybe I create a new pack and stick all the runes in one lump in there? won't be set out to work but at least you'll have some runes made and can just put them into working group?
I can throw them all in group bundled now, or I can start new pack and try to organise how I had them tomorrow as its late now.

Let me know which you would prefer
no problem I posted a bundled version anyway.

If want idea of how I been activating I'll post up example tomorrow.

Appreciate the help looking into it, I'm sure they will be very popular if we can work it out, skills are 100% the same every year so would be great to get a working idea
word of note, what I've posted is only to work in basic directions, up/down/left/right

That's because I could never think of a way to activate the other directions so I never made them.

Also I included 'fake rab' skill that doesn't have an exit left/right so just has 4 versions instead of 8


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Future Berserker update idea?:

"Analog Stick Directionality Transformation" check mark box under the rune's settings.

When this box is checked, the controller will "transform" the joystick movements in a rune based on the direction a joystick is being held when the rune is played back.

It would need two more drop down options, "joystick" and "default direction".

It could monitor say the left joystick, and assume the default direction is " up".

So in that situation, if the user was holding the left joystick up when the rune is executed, it would just play the rune as it was drawn.

But, if the user was holding the left joystick say down when the rune is executed, it would play back all the joystick movements shifted by 180 degrees.

Sorry I don't know how to better explain it right now. But this future capability would help with all sorts of games and especially FIFA.
Yea that right there would make it super simple and easy to make and use fifa skills on the berserker.

That would then make it work for 360 degrees rather than just the 4 directions.

How realistic is getting that into the forge software though? is it something that can easily be done?


Well-Known Member
That would be great if you can do that Odin. Then it would really help! Daniel Jeffries the way you were going is the best bet. played around with it today and didn't get much done but I will post it incase it might help! Let me know when you get it because it's not finished so I can take it down. I actually was playing better without anything on there. I would just make unstoppable combos for the tacs to use.
ok I got it.

Yea I thought that is prob the only way it could be done currently, hopefully what odin mentioned will be one day possible then it will be worth revisiting.

But as for opening poster if you just want the feints on paddles let me know I can do that but bare in mind it will only work on 90 degree angles.


Well-Known Member
Now I didn't get time but you can build different with the right stick spacing off a little incase you flick and make rune play once. stop early on button release. Then the rune doesn't have time to play if you flick but if you need it hold for a second. More or less get fancy with the building to help a little more.

Looked at the runes you built....Great Job!


Well-Known Member
Also didn't try it but you can build around the worlds for all sided of the RS and if you time them right with the stop early on button release might give you bang for the buck on everything else. Then you wouldn't have to build everything that involves rotation.
Also didn't try it but you can build around the worlds for all sided of the RS and if you time them right with the stop early on button release might give you bang for the buck on everything else. Then you wouldn't have to build everything that involves rotation.

Can you explain what you mean here didn't understand what your suggesting?


Well-Known Member
When building the 5 star move Around the World make both right and left all the way around for up, down, left and right for the Right Stick and rune behavior to play once. stop early on button release. Start the rune off about 100 to 150ms so incase you use body feint it doesn't activate til you hold longer. Then you can just time yourself to just do whatever you want by just holding RS up for a period of time to get Stepover, Roulette, Fake left/right and go right/left or feint left/right and exit right/left, elastic or reverse elastic or even hocus to triple elastic by jumping across the stick with the rite timing along with the around the world. You do have to have a tac too switch back and fourth to clockwise and counter clockwise rotation. Also to get use to the timing put led light and different colors in place of your quarter, half, 3/4 and full times to get use to letting go when you want it to do something else other than a around the world..... Actually had something on the RS in that rune pack that works great did you try that out?
Think I understand, and useful tip with the led light, thank you, I'll mess with it some more when I get some free time this week.

No I have no got around to testing as of yet prob won't get a chance to get in front of xbox until wednesday/thursday.

Hopefully the thing odin suggested is possible and wouldn't take to much to implement then would open a lot of doors in relation to sports games in general.