Auto Aim and Anti Recoil Help


New Member
I am feeling a bit let down with my purchase of the macro 360 controller for xbox. Seems the only macro that works properly is the auto run vkm. (Yes i am a noob here but i know the difference between a vks and a vkm file.) I am not lazy and have read about changing the timings to help the mods, but I am coming up with nothing after about 2 days worth of work, reading and watching youtube videos.

When I use this macro my screen seems to jitter left and right very slightly and never moves to the target or moves with the player when they run by. Any hints on how to tweak this so it will work for me on multiplayer BO 2 ( its my primary game)? I normally run a 2 bar connection on US servers and 3 bar locally(Japanese or Korean) unless im actually playing in a Singapore based server then I 4 bar. I live in Singapore and I am tired of getting my *** kicked by people with a evil controller. I bought this controller as I like the idea of being able to edit as games come out ie MW Ghosts etc.

Is there a master macro or mod such as the one you can get with Evil controllers? I am keen to use an auto aim and anti recoil but mostly what I am finding here is just RF mods??

Any help guys? Or a push in the right direction? Any and all help is very much appreciated.


ModdingBros Representative
If u are online and using BO2 auto aim macro it will not work. This particular macro is made for campaign or zombie modes. Online multiplayer has a aim ASSIST macro that bonfisher made. I'm not sure how it actually works but I believe it uses left to right anologe movement to help target enemies. U also have to have aim assist on in the main settings. Bonefisher has posted a video that explains how the aim assist works. In somewhere in the BO2 section. I personally Dont know enough about it to help u out I just wanted to make sure u were not trying to use the auto aim macro during online play and using the aim assist macro taylored for online play.


New Member
Yes I am trying to use the aim assist macro not the zombie mode auto aim. I have all my settings on the game as required. low easy and on and on. In game setting I have aim assist on and my sensitivity on 8. It still just jitters left and right and my player is unable to move left and right its weird I take it im doing something wrong with the macro. Could anyone post a video of this macro working for them?


New Member
Ok I figured it out! It took a bit of playing with but it appears to be working somewhat. Aim assist is for sniping and basically what it does is give you a steady aim. IT DOES NOT ASSIST IN ACQUIRING TARGETS AT ALL!! If your having issues with it then tweak it out a bit small steps and try. For me I had to try several times as my online play is different from playing bots. It does help as a camping sniper I havent really tried it running and gunning with an assault rifle yet.


Well-Known Member
Ok I figured it out! It took a bit of playing with but it appears to be working somewhat. Aim assist is for sniping and basically what it does is give you a steady aim. IT DOES NOT ASSIST IN ACQUIRING TARGETS AT ALL!! If your having issues with it then tweak it out a bit small steps and try. For me I had to try several times as my online play is different from playing bots. It does help as a camping sniper I havent really tried it running and gunning with an assault rifle yet.
You must not have settings right if it does not act like a magnet towards the target! Good way to test is throw it up at a target and be off a little like a foot away and see if it pulls toward the target! Keep in mine all of them work better if you ADS when your ready to take the shot!


New Member
I have found that it works much better when you are moving about and hit the LT right when you notice a target it will grab onto them. If you are camping and the BLOPS II aim assist will move you a little already when someone passes or is coming close to your spot. Bone's Aim Assist Macro will then handle the rest as it will move you onto the target, though if multiple targets are close you will sometimes jump among the closets ones. This can be an issue if you are playing an 'Objective Based Game' like 'Domination', 'Demolition', 'Headquarters' ETC. Because in those modes everyone is rushing the objectives at all times making it hard for both the aim assist in game and the macro aim assist to work. I figured this issues out and what I'll do in 'Objective Modes' is camp near the location but not to close and take out targets as they pass, for the most part sniping is going to help you best in such modes because for some reason the aim assist macro functions better with those weapon types.

I have my sensitivity set to 14 (Insane) and you have to move a little from time to time when unloading on targets. I also found that hip firing certain weapons will work much better. I have gotten a lot of solid kills with Bone's aim assist macro and hip firing LMG'S as with hip firing, it seems you can run and gun with ease.


New Member
You must not have settings right if it does not act like a magnet towards the target! Good way to test is throw it up at a target and be off a little like a foot away and see if it pulls toward the target! Keep in mine all of them work better if you ADS when your ready to take the shot!

It 110% does not act like a magnet to a target for me. I have my game settings as follows- From dashboard I hit guide button-Settings/Profile/Game defaults/general-Difficulty-easy/none/none controller sensitivity-low then under Action Normal Left stick auto aim auto assist both on. I also have the in game settings set for aim assist to on. Im running controller sensitivity on 8 for the in game settings.

So please bonefisher help me out here what settings am i missing and what am i doing wrong? my KD has feel .3 points since buying the controller and I havent even touched it other than to play zombies a few times.
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New Member
You must not have settings right if it does not act like a magnet towards the target! Good way to test is throw it up at a target and be off a little like a foot away and see if it pulls toward the target! Keep in mine all of them work better if you ADS when your ready to take the shot!

Just reloaded it and tried on bots on recruit and it definitely does not move to the target at all! in fact I would say I must be doing something wrong as this macro hinders me more than it helps all it really does is make my screen sort of vibrate when I ADS.

bonefisher perhaps you could add me temp on xbox and we could do a game of bots together or theater mode so you can see what is going on in game with me?


Well-Known Member
It 110% does not act like a magnet to a target for me. I have my game settings as follows- From dashboard I hit guide button-Settings/Profile/Game defaults/general-Difficulty-easy/none/none controller sensitivity-low then under Action Normal Left stick auto aim auto assist both on. I also have the in game settings set for aim assist to on. Im running controller sensitivity on 8 for the in game settings.

So please bonefisher help me out here what settings am i missing and what am i doing wrong? my KD has feel .3 points since buying the controller and I havent even touched it other than to play zombies a few times.
First don't play on a two bar connection because you are so lagged out no wonder it does not respond! Sounds like you have the settings right! Try turning it off in a private match and playing a little and then turning it back on to see if it works then! Who knows they might have nerf the aim assist over in your area! Also just take it off the LT and play to see if just moving side to side or left or right stick movement catches them! I'll take a look later to see if it working on this end still!


New Member
First don't play on a two bar connection because you are so lagged out no wonder it does not respond! Sounds like you have the settings right! Try turning it off in a private match and playing a little and then turning it back on to see if it works then! Who knows they might have nerf the aim assist over in your area! Also just take it off the LT and play to see if just moving side to side or left or right stick movement catches them! I'll take a look later to see if it working on this end still!

I dont play on a two bar unless I play with friends not a big deal its just to goof off and have fun. I play against a few *******s here that I know for sure have some form of assist if not a full blown aim bot, I have theater mode after every match with them and no one gets headshots with 57 from across the map on detour without something!!! one or two times ok call it a fluke but going 25-4 with a 57 on detour (this is just one example but it happens alot) and due to my limited area im forced to play against these *******s or dont play at all. I am just looking to level the playing field is all.

I did what you suggested and for sure bro even on local against bots I get nothing. I would really like to get this working and if I do I will be buying some more macro controllers as xmas gifts for a few mates of mine.

Thanks by the way for your replies and help thus far.


New Member
I also noticed alot of people are viewing this thread and I have been told aimbots are impossible for anything other than for the PC version of B ops. Well here is a link to a youtube video of a kid on a xbox 360 and if he can pull this off then we should be able to improve on what we can do in the game as well. Although I dont recommend going as far as this kid does but we could get something going, like maybe incorporating perks into the controller? it would be nice to be able to run all the perks at once etc anyway have a look at this insanity this kid pulls out hahaha its insane for sure!!!


Well-Known Member
Look like he found new glitches for the game! They had different ones that I have tried but I would not use in game because you wouldn't have anybody in the room because they back out! Now for the aim bot ones them are hacks! Which this controller only allows you to do what the game allows! I can tell you one thing about this controller! It blows evil controller out of the water! The aim assist was made when the game was strong with it in which they might have changed it since the update! Like they have been doing a lot lately!


Well-Known Member
Here try this set of macro's! Use shock charge for it to work! This is setup for default user!
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New Member
Here try this set of macro's! Use shock charge for it to work! This is setup for default user!

Ok loading it up now will let you know how it goes. I take it I need to have shock charges in my class for this to work properly?

Ok Bonefisher I tried this against bots as well on local with default setup for my class with shock charge equipped and aim assist is definitely 110% not there. I used the FAL and the 57 ( the RF for the 57 is ludacris beast mode!!)

I hope we can figure this out.
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Well-Known Member
Did you noticed how fast you switched weapons? No other controller has that! Try that one out with the shield and 57! Lol! I'll take a look at the aim assist tonight to if I can make one better!


New Member
Did you noticed how fast you switched weapons? No other controller has that! Try that one out with the shield and 57! Lol! I'll take a look at the aim assist tonight to if I can make one better!

Definite beast mode on weapons swap!! I havent done the shield 57 combo yet but will get to it.

Let me know what you come up with the aim assist.

Oh and btw thaaaaanxs tons for the help so far!


Well-Known Member
For some reason it works perfect for a while and then it won't work! Like they do it in game so you don't dominate the game and allow other players to get even with you! So it does work! Even the bots got a chance lol! I beat the bots up like 3 games 46-0, 38-0, 41-1 and then all of a sudden they start taking these around the corner shots like they had a aim bot! LOL! Played online with it and the first two games got the crap kick out of 5-12 and then 7-10! I shut down and rebooted....Then started off with 27-3 switched rooms is key for me.... 14-3, 32-5 and then had a good game going 14-0 and half way through the game went the other way 15-13 finished off go figure! My guess it is connection.....if you lagging behind it takes a few seconds to kick in to work!


New Member
For some reason it works perfect for a while and then it won't work! Like they do it in game so you don't dominate the game and allow other players to get even with you! So it does work! Even the bots got a chance lol! I beat the bots up like 3 games 46-0, 38-0, 41-1 and then all of a sudden they start taking these around the corner shots like they had a aim bot! LOL! Played online with it and the first two games got the crap kick out of 5-12 and then 7-10! I shut down and rebooted....Then started off with 27-3 switched rooms is key for me.... 14-3, 32-5 and then had a good game going 14-0 and half way through the game went the other way 15-13 finished off go figure! My guess it is connection.....if you lagging behind it takes a few seconds to kick in to work!

Hey Bone thanks for the feedback but I am not getting it to work at all and i have been 3 bar to 4 bar all day. Can you give me exactly what settings you are using so I can duplicate and see if my results change?


Well-Known Member
For some reason it is not working the way it used too! It still is working on some but it has a slower reaction time so oh well there goes a good thing that was nice! I think also that a lot of people are shutting off the aim assist in game to aim on there own and it might not jump on that target if they don't have it on! I still say it is reaction time that your internet gives you! Might just want to practice for a little with the aim assist off to get better with your aiming and put it back on when you show improvement! Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Ok! Try this.......I made a LT with a RF along with left movement aim assist and the RT has a RF with aim assist movement right and ADS! PLUS Two Sniper classes DSR and Ballista with cancel reload that you will love! Along with if you like just turn on the QuickScope cancel reload on the LT! Everything has a on/off toggle! This is for default user! Use shock charge!!!! The idea for the aim assist......when target is running left use your left trigger to start firing and the aim assist will kick in or if you throw it up and you aim a little right of the target use LT! When target is running right use RT for the aim assist to kick in or if you throw up on the left of them with them standing still use RT! If there running towards you fire both LT and RT! Do a little practice match and let me know if this is working for you! Take a little of getting use too! Seems like it is working well!


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