ax 180's vs thors hammer?


New Member
so i may have a logical question this time... i just purchased a set of tritton ax180s and they don't work with my thors hammer.... and i read one other thread of the same problem... it works with my regular controllers though... anything i can do to get them to work or are they just on the do not work list basically?


New Member
This is odd. I own a pair of Tritton AXPROs and I use my Viking controllers with them all the time and haven't had a problem. I have had a couple issues getting the mic to pick up in the past, but that is headset related and not Viking. If you could please gives us some details about what is going on with your headset and controller.



squeals99 said:
so i may have a logical question this time... i just purchased a set of tritton ax180s and they don't work with my thors hammer.... and i read one other thread of the same problem... it works with my regular controllers though... anything i can do to get them to work or are they just on the do not work list basically?

It seems to have only happened to a couple of customers; If you open a support ticket on the main site and see what they say :)


New Member
controller works perfectly fine... my x1's worked fine in it until the puck wire broke from being 3 years old... which i didn't think about... but maybe its the controller cutting in and out and not the puck, even though those pucks are always prone to problems...

brb and tell ya what happens lol


New Member
nope just the puck is broke on my x1's... i also tried normal battery packs and rechargeable both, still no luck... if i take the smaller jack and plug it into the controller but not into the dongle part for the voice and game volume and go to plug it into the dongle it shows the mic for like one second and then it goes away again, like it is trying to hook up but is failing... on my x1's it shows the speaker on the screen on both controllers even though the mic connection has broke inside the wire insulation


Useful Poster
have you tried powering your console down, then plugging everything in and powering your console up again. that is what i do when i have mic problems


New Member
any other ideas besides opening up a ticket? i opened one up but accidently put it in the general questions portion instead of hardware part.... should i make another or will it be alright?


New Member
got ya on the ticket, but the only thing i got from it (which is understandable) is that viking doesnt support the aftermarket headsets and can't really look into anything...
anyone ever come across any ax180's having problems or know what i can look into to get anywhere on this?


New Member
I had the same problem mic quit working so I reprogrammed my controlled and it fixed the problem this has happened about 4 times and I have fixed it this way every time


New Member
negative on that one... the only thing i can maybe think could be wrong would be the cable running from the controller to the dongle just because it makes static noise when its twisted around in the controller, but i'm almost thinking that my problem could be that the turtle beach puck could have messed my jack up just from being left in it all the time
even though i'm really easy on both the controller and the headset, the cable end doesn't seem to have the click into place feeling like my old controllers do, and i'm guessing thats just from that big style puck moving around and possibly maybe reaming the connectors out just enough to mess something up... because if i have the connection in the controller and the dongle and pull the cable out of the dongle and plug it back in the speaker comes up on the screen for the voice, but it only stays up for like a second, but if i pull it from the controller and leave it in the dongle, when i plug the connector back into the controller it doesn't show the speaker for chat on the screen at all....

i ordered another puck from turtle beach for my x1's but they sent me one for the x31 and 41's, which from what i read up on sounds like it differs from the x1 connector enough to not work for chat with the x1's, so i'm waiting on another new puck to see what happens


Active Member
I think...THINK....that you used the mic port Many hours a day do you use your Viking? When did you buy the Viking? How long after your TBs broke did you get the AX180s? After your TBs broke did the controller work with a stock Microsoft mic?


New Member
new news now... just got the right puck for my x1's and they work with the controller still.... but the 180s don't still... i have no idea what the deal is but basically im just gonna keep the x1's and sell the 180s... but until i do im gonna keep trying to figure out what the deal is just to help out... but yeah i have put a significant amount of time using my thors hammer and since i got the thing i don't think i've used another controller... lol its just too sweet to put down... but yeah i don't know if the headset pulls more power and the batteries can't hold up to the power drawn from the chip plus microphone input so it shorts out the mic, but the dongle is quite a bit larger on the 180s than the x1's, so i dont know if that would be the case but it may be worth looking in to....
i bought the controller in may and maybe use it a couple hours a day, so i doubt now that a couple months would wear it out just because my other controller that i used all the time before this had been used a ton more hours (probably a lot more days actually) than my viking and it still worked with both controllers...