Black ops 2 is turning into a pretty terrible game..


New Member
I like the concept, but there is too much bugs to make it enjoyable for me. Ex: Lag, Treyarchs " lag compensation " too much camping, aim assist through walls, and getting shot when im behind a cement wall.. am I the only one noticing these things?


There are issues. The lag on multi-player is bad for me as well. Also the hit detection seems a bit off? Good news is the mod controllers brings back the fun to the game :) I must admit the 2025 Nuke Town Zombies is very well done!


New Member
There are issues. The lag on multi-player is bad for me as well. Also the hit detection seems a bit off? Good news is the mod controllers brings back the fun to the game :) I must admit the 2025 Nuke Town Zombies is very well done!
I wish I got the zombies nuketown 2025 D: looks boss... hopefully comes out as DLC soon.. but my controller is scheduled to get to my dads tomorrow.. but hopefully it could possibly be here today ...

modded matt

Active Member
TO be honest, While I build rapid fire controllers, and own just about every type produced, I do not use them for game play. I mainly test products, provide install tuts/services, and feedback to the designers. Its vary rare that I use modded controllers in game play. I am at the top of the leader board 90% of the time anyway.

but yes, it is a great game.
hey Matt! I have heard that is a good game. Do the controllers work well on it?


I disagree. Treyarch built a great game, and the only bad part is that they didn't bring back my favorite gun. Those problems you're having (besides lag) affect you because you aren't that great of a player.

modded matt

Active Member
HAHAHA, no dude, the game is flawed. The pistol is the most powerful gun in the game. The hit markers are way off, you can shoot through concrete walls, the Guarian works through walls, its a mess.,

My ping is 25, my DL speed is 19m, my upload is 6m.


New Member
HAHAHA, no dude, the game is flawed. The pistol is the most powerful gun in the game. The hit markers are way off, you can shoot through concrete walls, the Guarian works through walls, its a mess.,

My ping is 25, my DL speed is 19m, my upload is 6m.
Youre so right. My KD is 1.0 + not that bad @God the game is definitely flawed. Im using a shotgun, aimed at someone's face from 3 feet away, and apparently missed several times. And I am assuming that hit markers are so right on.. ( sarcasm )


ModdingBros Representative
One thing that's really ******ed that has already made most of my friends sell their copies is the probation for dash-boarding and the worst part about that too is

someone can quit out and ruin the page and it will still punish u for it. U pay a lot of money just to play online and treyarch is really going to make a game that says you

pay us money to play online but we will put u in time out for 5 min when someone dashboards and wrecks the page. Seriously if they don't do away with this I'm am very

tempted to sell this game. Come on black ops was way better built then this game. The whole COD thing ha just gotten way out of control and the programmers are

totally taking these games in the wrong direction. There is no true skill level to COD anymore is just a over glorified arcade game that any noob can pick up. Sorry if this

offends anyone but if you really want to try the last COD that has a true skill level to it play COD 3 and u will know right away were u stand. Yes there still is lag issues

but as far as who is a truly skilled shooter this game will prove it. Nothing but head shots baby and no killstreaks just skill and if your reactions are not quicker than the

other guy your dead. Thats why a lot of people didn't like the game cause they would just get owned so hard by real skilled gamers with real quick reaction timing. CODs

now are all computer assisted to lift players up who suck and give them a edge over true talented gamers.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Personally in my opinion there are no good multiplayer games on xbox live, period. The reason is simple: there are no dedicated servers hosting the games, so the game quality will always be garbage regardless of how many times they tweak the anti-lag.

Each year I hear different people gripe about the lag, and each year I hear different other people talk about how lag has improved. I think there are always winners and losers with anti-lag code especially when the host is another console and not a dedicated box sitting near a backbone somewhere. For those of you unhappy with BO2 I guess "this year is not your year" lol.

Ironically Matt I just talked to a guy who works at GameStop and he said he's had a stream of people returning Ghost Recon over ultramegacrappy game lag. Again I basically blame XBOX Live service in general and find that all games on Xbox have crappy lag in general.


HAHAHA, no dude, the game is flawed. The pistol is the most powerful gun in the game. The hit markers are way off, you can shoot through concrete walls, the Guarian works through walls, its a mess.,

My ping is 25, my DL speed is 19m, my upload is 6m.

Which pistol? The Executioner? The B23R? The KAP-40? The FIVE SEVEN and TAC-45 aren't even worth talking about. The Executioner and the B23R are two hit kills, and I have never used the KAP-40. It's not like MW3 when the automatic pistols were more powerful than the submachine guns. Someone running with the Executioner or the B23R aren't going to be able to fight their way out of a wet paper bag if his opponents are running with a submachine gun of which they most certainly are.

Also: They nerfed a couple weapons if you're using suppressors.

I don't know what you're talking about, but I've always written down in my mind what parts of the map are safe to hide behind. It's really that simple. If you know you're going to get shot through something avoid it. Even if that happens to be a concrete wall.

The guardian works through walls? That's probably a glitch that happens occassionally, that will be fixed in a later patch. When I set my guardian down, if someone is in a building and it's pointing right at him it will do jack****.

Sort of off-topic, but on some maps if you fall off the cliff and into the water you will land solidly. No game ever made has been without glitches or mods at launch. Things will get fixed, eventually.

Youre so right. My KD is 1.0 + not that bad @God the game is definitely flawed. Im using a shotgun, aimed at someone's face from 3 feet away, and apparently missed several times. And I am assuming that hit markers are so right on.. ( sarcasm )

You have a 1K/D which isn't good, it's actually bad. Not only that, but K/D is an inaccurate measure of how good a player really is.

It's been mentioned by a YouTube commentator that I cannot remember the name of, that this is a Call of Duty game that you will need to aim in with your shotguns unless you want hitmarkers, or to be missing completely. Try aiming in.

Okay, in a above post I replied to he said that the pistols were overpowered, but this is a lie. The Remington is an overpowered shotgun much like the 1887's from MW2. Unlike the pistols the shotguns will rape anyone using anything unless you have a certain amount of time to respond, or you are far enough away, but it is doubtful that you would have either of those. Good luck!

One thing that's really ******ed that has already made most of my friends sell their copies is the probation for dash-boarding and the worst part about that too is someone can quit out and ruin the page and it will still punish u for it. U pay a lot of money just to play online and treyarch is really going to make a game that says you pay us money to play online but we will put u in time out for 5 min when someone dashboards and wrecks the page. Seriously if they don't do away with this I'm am very tempted to sell this game. Come on black ops was way better built then this game. The whole COD thing ha just gotten way out of control and the programmers are totally taking these games in the wrong direction. There is no true skill level to COD anymore is just a over glorified arcade game that any noob can pick up. Sorry if this offends anyone but if you really want to try the last COD that has a true skill level to it play COD 3 and u will know right away were u stand. Yes there still is lag issues but as far as who is a truly skilled shooter this game will prove it. Nothing but head shots baby and no killstreaks just skill and if your reactions are not quicker than the other guy your dead. Thats why a lot of people didn't like the game cause they would just get owned so hard by real skilled gamers with real quick reaction timing. CODs now are all computer assisted to lift players up who suck and give them a edge over true talented gamers.

I agree with you. I don't want new players to get ANY help, AT ALL! I started playing Call of Duty when the first Call of Duty came out, but I only started playing online with Call of Duty 2 because the original Call of Duty had online only for PC players. From what I remembered, I got my *** kicked day in and day out but I kept at it because I enjoyed the game. New players should go through the same process of *** kickery and through that get better. They shouldn't have the help of overpowered perks or support killstreaks, not even combat training. Nothing.

One of my main problems with MW3 is that I could get a 12 killstreak and get a pavelow, that really doesn't get that many kills, but someone who goes 14-32 can get a Stealth Bomber that gives you at least three kills, but has the potential to take out the entire enemy team.

Personally in my opinion there are no good multiplayer games on xbox live, period. The reason is simple: there are no dedicated servers hosting the games, so the game quality will always be garbage regardless of how many times they tweak the anti-lag.

Each year I hear different people gripe about the lag, and each year I hear different other people talk about how lag has improved. I think there are always winners and losers with anti-lag code especially when the host is another console and not a dedicated box sitting near a backbone somewhere. For those of you unhappy with BO2 I guess "this year is not your year" lol.

Ironically Matt I just talked to a guy who works at GameStop and he said he's had a stream of people returning Ghost Recon over ultramegacrappy game lag. Again I basically blame XBOX Live service in general and find that all games on Xbox have crappy lag in general.

I've seen you in other threads professing the glory of dedicated servers, but you never explained how it would make a game better besides solving a problem that doesn't exist for me. Sure, in every Call of Duty game I have had (and I've had them all) or every game period there has been some lag. This has not ruined the game for me, and on Black Ops 1 and 2, I set my settings to best, and there has been only occasional games (say one out of a hundred) where I have had one bar, but it's fixed rather quickly with a host migration. I have never been in a game that lagged and it didn't do a host migration, and in Blops2 it takes minutes to fix. This is saying nothing about individuals with Walmart connections.

What I can only assume is that you are a PC player, and I grew up with this **** and you did not. In reality, lag isn't as much of a problem as you seem to think it is.
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New Member
Ok so yesterday I was in a zombie match with 3 of my friends (4 players total). Everyone had a wired connection a good ping and a 10+ download and 2+ upload speeds.

Bug #1 occurred during the beginning of the game. All of a sudden my game sound cut out completely and was replaced by a very anoying and loud helicopter noise. This has happened to me plenty of times. I couldn't turn the sound back on at all for the rest of the game.

Bug #2 occurred towards the middle and the end several times. Some one else was the host and I was lagging almost uncontrollably. This would happen about every 45 minutes for about 2 minutes

Bug #3 occurred towards the end also. Every 1s mic was cutting in and out and no one could hear eachother for about 30 minutes. (And it wasn't a network error because the host was on a wired connection directly to his modem! And I KNOW it wasn't me because I haven't laged like that at all sence I setup a wired connection.

Bug #4. This bug is just....err.... OKAY so it was right web I was about to leave the game because I was getting tired. My teammates were going to finish the zombies off and buy us a few extra rounds. AND THEN... I FROZE!.... I was in that match for well over 4 hours... So I rebooted my system and NOTHING saved . No kills, no highest wave, nothing! And my ps3 hasn't froze in months of playing bf3.
So if you think black ops 2 is a flawless game, jump into a zombie match for 4 hours and ill bet my life you will experience one of the bugs above.

BTW doesn't bf3 on ps3 use dedicated servers? Correct me if I'm wrong.
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LOL...your bug #1 I thought I was the only one getting that. I get that also but usually playing TDM in BO2. It's very loud and annoying. The only way I can get rid of it is by rebooting my PS3. I get it maybe once a week.

Apex NuGz

New Member
I agree with you guys about the lag, but as for it only being on xbox is what ive comprehended, that is not true i know people who have ps3 unfortunately, and they have the same lag problems, i think it is just Treyarch in general, because when they announced that BO2 was going to being regional based connections or whatever, - it's a new idea, and new thing that there trying out, so i dont give them criticism for that. my one complaint though, is sub machine guns get kills over assault rifles.. i think that is just hilariously unbelievable... overall in my opinion black ops 2 is better than MW3.


New Member
In a Treyarch related note I myself feel that Zombies is the only thing that they have done correctly in any of their Call Of Duty productions. I bought every DLC of Bo2 purely for the Zombies gameplay. Anyone else feel the same?


New Member
I think if they could reduce the lag issues and the spawn problems, the game would be a lot more fun. Love the score streak system. I have no issues with the dash boarding time out. Everybody knows that dash boarding can save your kdr. So it's nice to see a penalty given to all those that do it. Probation is not given for backing out a game just dash boarding .

It is interesting how the lag can change minute to minute. The group that I party with contains a lot of network admins. Since we are spread out through the us. That really can alter the lag. So through their suggestions, we have worked through the group and now have a select number that team up based on geographical location with the party host being in the relative center. Surprisingly, this has helped. I suggest giving it a try. Obviously YMMV.

While I grew up on pc gaming a dedicated servers are what I was familiar with, they also have their own separate sets of issues. And while they can fix some lag issues related to host etc... They are not a fix all. Never played BF3, but enough friends did and it had lag issues as well.


In a Treyarch related note I myself feel that Zombies is the only thing that they have done correctly in any of their Call Of Duty productions. I bought every DLC of Bo2 purely for the Zombies gameplay. Anyone else feel the same?
I'm with you.