Black Ops 2 quick reloads


ModdingBros Representative
Originally posted by: NameLess-Poster; no one is going to get baned for playing the game early, the servers are all ready up. People that have the game all ready can play online. The servers are up now becasue there doing a stress test on them
Thats not what i was talking about being banned for playing the game early. The conversation was about being temporarily banned for using modded controllers. If u take the time to read through all the threads then u would see that we are talking about a change in the online users agreement stating the usage of modded controllers lagg switches ect. to gain a edge can result in being banned from xbox live. That's why there is talk about creating humanized rapid fires where if detected by Microsoft or try arc they wont be able to distinguish it from a trigger finger. RF leaves behind like a finger print if u will. they can detect sensitivity levels of how the triggers are being pulled. in normal rapid fires it would look something like this---___---___--- that is an un natural pattern of full trigger pulls to releases s of trigger pulls as for humanized there would be more spikes of up and down movements between the lines. Im simply stating i will use my old xbox and mod the hell out of that game and sure enough too many people will report me and i want to see if they decide to do anything to that account after everyone reports me for cheating. Read more through the code of conduct in blkops2 fourm and through the jitter forum pg# 3 in blkops2 and u will see what we are actually talking about. thanks.
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It's sort of a misnomer to say they have servers... they don't, at least not in the traditional sense to an old PC gamer like myself. The games are actually hosted on the console of one of the players in the game. Which leads to terrible match quality. And we pay $60 per year for this service... I'd gladly pay the fair cost + profit mark-ups to have them host these games using real servers, rather than having one of the players act as host. The quality of gameplay would go through the roof.

The servers are maintained through P2P(Peer-to-Peer). This means that one person is the Host, and all information goes to the host's console before it is sent out to everyone else. This is why in games like CoD you will get a laggy host or the game might lag out.
Also, ping affects this greatly; the less ping you have, the more likely you are to become the host of a game. Have you ever had that annoying "Host that has left the match," and it would find a new host? Well that's a P2P Connection.