some new details have come out for bo2 no more kill can now customize your loadout.if u want u can have 6 perks on and no gun .or no secondary
weapon for an extra perk or nothing but one gun and just a perk . for more details imma post a link enjoy.
i dont know im guessing the no pro perk is a rumor why would they down-grade? and take out pro perks!!? you know? and can't wait to see more black ops 2 gameplay, i heard theres also going to be Jitter again in black ops 2!!
its not going to be any pro perks and they are making guns that are semi automatic and automatic together and they have the an 91 which is a 2 round burst which could be good
Hmm well either way you know you will see some mods from me, once I get my hands on the game I will have something to release even if its not a rapid fire.