That was my impression.From the little time Ive tested it dosent look very good. They did their homework on this game. Ive tried every form of jitter besides sprint method with little success. I got the RT LB Y jitter to work but is pretty much useless as the gun can fire that speed without it cycling over.
The YY method of fast reloads is useless. The sprint reload works but the way they have the guns dialed it seems that the reload is right on Que with very little room to shave time off.
Turbo knives and riots dont seem to work. U can get them swinging fast and right but when it comes to contact with a person they made both riots and knives stick to the enemy. The only use i can see out of it would be a recovery knife or riot. As the swing time is quite slow, if u miss your target recovery time to fire or bash the enemy is slow. I found that u can have the turbo knife / riot macros running REAL FAST. So fast that it dosent even look like u swing and it will still knife people as long as your in knife range.
One thing is u have to change is adding a extra Y and the end of the turbo macros. Because of the game adding sticking animation when u knife or riot someone it only registers one Y press so when the knife/riot runs its cycle it will switch weapons on u. As long as u add a extra y it will cancel the weapon switch out. The only time i actually got a quick knife in was when i stabbed someone in mid air. Maybe if someone made a jump knife that might cancel out the stick knife animation????? Well Ill keep crackin away at it and update everyone on my progress!
UPDATE: I have confirmation that turbo knives and riots will only work "without sticking to the enemy" If your in the air when u use them. I hope there is a way to make a jumping turbo knife to where its something like a little baby jump. This one may be plausible to iron the kinks out of!