Can you get banned?


New Member
I was wondering if any of you have gotten banned for using Jets humanized rapid fire? I was told that you can get banned in blops2 for using rapid fire and im already a 1st prestige so i dont want to risk it. So the question is, can you get banned for using Jets humanized rapid fire?


ModdingBros Representative
Seriously doubt it. U really cant even tell the difference if some one is using select fire from RF. I have not heard of anyone getting banned yet and if you are truly concerned about it use Jets humanized RF revised. If they were to monitor u using this they couldn't distinguish it from say a pro gamer with a real fast finger. RF leaves behind a finger print of sorts. Your typical RF would look something like this ---|_ _ _|---|_ _ _ . this would represent full trigger pulls strait to full trigger releases which would be physically impossible to do by normal trigger pulls. NY jets would have a lot more in between markers simulating actual half pulls to full pulls like _-^^-_|_-^^-_ like a human would do. I doubt that u will even get called out for using RF in BO2. The way they made it it dosent matter if u have RF or not they made all semi autos with full auto capabilities. If anything the advantage of RF would be it would free u up of having to use a select fire perk. I hope this statement put u more at ease.
I have been using this controller since modern warfare 2. The thing about it is, my friend is in engineering at the University of Kentucky and he has told me video games like FPS's are based on a timeline system kinda like the timeline system with the Viking software (which is why this is the greatest controller of all time). But he plugged in my controller and had the software read the mod as I played. The way the game registers the shots its registers it as multiple trigger pulls. The ONLY way you could even be close to being banned is if someone actually took the time to use software or manually time the seconds between each trigger pull and then figure out if it was humanly possible. Since everyone has a different play style and they have to take lag compensation and connection into consideration that is IMPOSSIBLE. So your answer is, unless someone can get your account spammed with enough dislikes or ratings of cheater or something like that in a small window of time then you will never get banned. And trust me, I talk the biggest amount of smack in COD. If I havent gotten banned yet for using this controller or mod, then nobody will.
and besides the fact that it frees up a space, these make the rapid fire faster than what the actual select fire attachment would do for you. so its better than the select fire attachment. but no you will not get banned.


ModdingBros Representative
That is true the RF is faster than the select fire but seriously no one is going to call u out on it and say your using a rapid fire controller and like sinfulbynature mentioned u would have to be spammed constantly with dislikes, cheating or if enough people actually reported your gamertag to tryarc stating you were modifying the game to gain an unfair advantage then u would be on their hotsheet and they could view your games to try to distingush if you are using any external mods to cheat. But really u wont ever have to worry about that stuff unless u use like a Jtag.


New Member
tested this earlier as well. the select full auto that you unlock on the fal is really similar to the rapid fire macros that are on here. i've been using rapid fire mods on my viking since the first black ops, and have not been banned for it yet


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Official Viking answer:

There is no such thing as a 100% undetectable controller. Other shops' claim that their controllers are "100% guaranteed undetectable" are simply false claims, and false advertising, made to lure you into purchasing their products.

We do not endorse the use of modded controllers on-line. With that said, no Viking customers have been banned from XBOX Live or PSN network for playing with modded controllers. We have been in business since June 2009.

[Some customers have been banned for unrelated gamertag offenses, such as using any combination of the word "mod" in their gamertag. Microsoft does not like the word "mod" because it may imply a DVD drive mod which is related to piracy.]