I have been using this controller since modern warfare 2. The thing about it is, my friend is in engineering at the University of Kentucky and he has told me video games like FPS's are based on a timeline system kinda like the timeline system with the Viking software (which is why this is the greatest controller of all time). But he plugged in my controller and had the software read the mod as I played. The way the game registers the shots its registers it as multiple trigger pulls. The ONLY way you could even be close to being banned is if someone actually took the time to use software or manually time the seconds between each trigger pull and then figure out if it was humanly possible. Since everyone has a different play style and they have to take lag compensation and connection into consideration that is IMPOSSIBLE. So your answer is, unless someone can get your account spammed with enough dislikes or ratings of cheater or something like that in a small window of time then you will never get banned. And trust me, I talk the biggest amount of smack in COD. If I havent gotten banned yet for using this controller or mod, then nobody will.