COD AW EM1 Rapid Fire


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bonefisher! I did get the berserker with the blades (style 1). I was able to load your advance gaming pack, I wasn't sure if I needed to, but I also delegates. The previous pack you created so as to only have one rune pack on the controller. It took be a brief ment to figure out how to advance pages and once I did, how to tell which page I was one, but I think I have that down now. I was having difficulty with the "drop shot" that was programmed in the rune pack, but I was also able to eventually deactivate that. I greatly appreciate all that you have done for me and your willingness to continue to help us all with rune packs. I will eventually play around with the programming so as to learn how to do so myself, but for now, I just don't want to screw anything up! I have been trying out the various weapons and RFs, wish there was a way to eliminate the pause between bursts in the ARX160 and IMR. I did have fun with the M14 signature with silencer, I'm still working on getting the stock attachment. Keep up the good work, I'm not a very good gamer, but, thanks to you, having more fun with my new Berserker!
Have you actually listen to the fire of the burst in game.... When testing I let some people kill me just to hear the fire. When you sprint into the fire it will go like a automatic or if you have gun ho perk is where it also does it. That drop shot is use for sliding into hip firing which is fun and then it pops back up so you don't have to do it. Also if you use the LYNX Sniper if you knee drop which I just put on there for LT it is deadly accurate. Also just tap the 4 tac once if you want to knee or hold for a second to lay down. Oh what a killin machine..... I tested everything and when new frame comes around every gun skips a little. I have a new way of getting these rapid fires to the max from analyzing my recordings from my Elgato HD60.


Well-Known Member
If you notice every thing is made for 60fps which the speed multipliers is on 6 so if you don't think it's firing just right turn down to 5.9 on the speed and try.


New Member
Thanks for the well wishes! I believe if neither you nor Bonefisher were able to eliminate the pause, well, I don't believe I have much of a chance of doing so. Since I am not a very good gamer, the pause messes me up and I often lose battles because of it..but still the burst weapons are better than with no RF at all.


New Member
bonefisher...I will try sprinting in to shooting. I do run with hung go perk. I will listen to my shots in the cam, would be interesting to here the gun sound more like an automatic. Your expertise is amazing... I hope everyone else here appreciates you as much as I do. My experience with the Berserker this far would in no way be what it has been up to now without all your advice and help. I will have to improve my gaming skills in order to do well with the sliding in to a shot and all, but with some practice that sounds awesome!


Well-Known Member
I have jitters that fires the burst weapons automatic but you can only hip fire them and only last as long as a sprint, then needs to rest. That is why the Tac-19 jitter is not consistent the sprint resets at a certain time making that problematic.


New Member
Bonefisher... Thanks for all your help and advice. I have been using the IMR and, although not as successful for me as the hole puncher, I'm having fun using it. Just got the Feedback variant, that seems to have greater mobility and, of course, the bump in rate of fire helps. I haven't tried the Impact, but I read online that many feel it is the best variant, not the elite versions, much like the hole puncher is to the steel bite. Let me know if you have any advice regarding the IMR. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Actually the Thunder Tusk I like but also use the Boar Strike and Royalty which have up one damage. The Impact is ok to run but if you set up the elite weapons just rite blows the Impact out of the water...Like the Royalty the fix is red dot and fore grip. The Thunder Tusk you can run with quick draw grip with iron sights and what ever else you want. Boar Strike same as Royalty red dot fore grip. Ran with everyone of them but the longest with the Feedback which still does me good target enhancer, foregrip and stock.


New Member
I'll try this set ups. I do ok with the IMR as long as I don't use it in any small maps like urban...I can sometimes hold my own, but struggle to end the game with a Positive KD. I do best with lightweight with the xtra mobility. I could not be enjoying the IMR as much as I am if it wasn't for the Berserker


Well-Known Member
Very True! Right now downloading beta Black Ops lll... seen the M8A1 but is called M8A7 this time I think will be the nasty gun to use. Also if you play try the new glitch were it jumps out of a gun fight to set you back to come in for the kill. Don't know how many times you can do this but on you tube looked like fun.


New Member
How's the Beta Going?

Are there any runes with fast reload for the IMR and ARX160? Right now I am using your most recent Advanced Gaming rune pack. How do I use those along with the rapid fire in the rune pack I'm using? Sorry for so many questions, but, although I'm doing better, I recognize I have much to learn.
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Well-Known Member
I had a fast reload somewhere for the IMR. Mite had deleted it. I'll look. Going good for BETA . Have a Optic glitch that is working awesome.