NYjetsNY1 said:if i have time i'd LOVE to try them
Remmnever said:Nice, I'm going to bed now but I'll definitely try these out tomorrow.
NYjetsNY1 said:The 5.6 is slow, i like fast lol but good for the slow lovers, still a ton of recoil on m14. :/
The 9.6 isn't really 9.6 but it is pretty accurate... theyre both decent but i like my 17SPS for m14 and 8.9 for FAL still
sinfulbynature said:So with the 8.9 speed on the FAL. Is it true that anything past 8.9sps on Black Ops gets mod blocked? I was thinkin about tryin a 9.5sps for FAL since im getting use to the recoil the gun has.
LiOnHeArT24 said:Iv'e been using 5sps for my M16 and it's been the best one for me so far because it doesn't trigger the mod blocked! Is the macro you posted for the M16 supposed to bypass the mod block???