Controller power up problem


New Member
Okay, so all seems to be working for the most part. Made packs, transferred to controller, reboot and play. The problem is after turning off the controller, the next time I power it up....... it freezes. I can either use the HIDBootloader again or I have to repeatedly power on and off the controller several times before it will work as it did the previous gaming session. Often a combination of leds light up or none at all, but the controller is always frozen(although y,x,a,b still work sort of). Triggers, joysticks, tac switches are all unresponsive until one of the 2 above remedies is applied. Tried uploading firmware several times as well with no avail.

And I'll add one more thing. With the 3 pages I had loaded before (testing RF), I noticed that when switching from say page 1(blue leds) to page 2(green leds) while rune is active, the page 1 active led will remain on after switching page 2. I'll have a green page 2 led with a blue page 1 active led on. ( I'm using tac #1 for toggle on/off and tac #3 for page up)
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Well-Known Member
I'm getting the same things going on! If you turn on your regular controller first it will sometimes come up with what you loaded! That could be the bug he is talking about needing fixed! Other than that working great! Can't put any rune packs on the site for you guys to try out! Shows error when I try to upload them!


Active Member
Must admit I have a similar issue, when I page change, the led's for the previous goups will remain on, have to go page back, switch off groups, then change page. This does not seem to effect the actual runes, just an led issue, but is still confusing cause of using colours to indicate which rune I am supposed to be using ....


Well-Known Member
Yes had the last issued update! Also turns my other controller on when turning the berserker on!
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Can one of you that have the issue share with me by PM your Viking Forge account name and password, I will log in as you and inspect the runepack to look for answers.


New Member
Can one of you that have the issue share with me by PM your Viking Forge account name and password, I will log in as you and inspect the runepack to look for answers.

I had it working for about 2 hours til it acted up again. So I went into Forge and removed my 2 rune tacs (2,4) for my a and b buttons but left the rf on page one,group one thinking I was not doing it right. Still same outcome. I have an activate switch(#1) for my RF and that's it. Sorry to say, I put it back on the shelf and use my original now. Too much of a hassle getting it to work correctly when starting a match. It does have some issues. Will call to set up sending it back for you to look at. But.......appreciate your emails and support.

BTW - this isn't intended to be taken in a bad way, just want to give you a little info as to what I'm experiencing.
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Well-Known Member
Can one of you that have the issue share with me by PM your Viking Forge account name and password, I will log in as you and inspect the runepack to look for answers.
I'm sure that I deleted the problem pack! I think when you overload certain things is when it happens which I did so many combinations didn't remember when it caused problems! I'm sure to run across it again! I'll let you know what it is sooner or later!