Okay, so all seems to be working for the most part. Made packs, transferred to controller, reboot and play. The problem is after turning off the controller, the next time I power it up....... it freezes. I can either use the HIDBootloader again or I have to repeatedly power on and off the controller several times before it will work as it did the previous gaming session. Often a combination of leds light up or none at all, but the controller is always frozen(although y,x,a,b still work sort of). Triggers, joysticks, tac switches are all unresponsive until one of the 2 above remedies is applied. Tried uploading firmware several times as well with no avail.
And I'll add one more thing. With the 3 pages I had loaded before (testing RF), I noticed that when switching from say page 1(blue leds) to page 2(green leds) while rune is active, the page 1 active led will remain on after switching page 2. I'll have a green page 2 led with a blue page 1 active led on. ( I'm using tac #1 for toggle on/off and tac #3 for page up)
And I'll add one more thing. With the 3 pages I had loaded before (testing RF), I noticed that when switching from say page 1(blue leds) to page 2(green leds) while rune is active, the page 1 active led will remain on after switching page 2. I'll have a green page 2 led with a blue page 1 active led on. ( I'm using tac #1 for toggle on/off and tac #3 for page up)
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