this is what i get :
"error": "other_undefined",
"reason": "Data inconsistency, last point must be at end of plot.",
"dbg_stack": "Error: Data inconsistency, last point must be at end of plot.\n at Error (<anonymous>)\n at /app/app/convert_runes.js:265:56\n at Array.forEach (native)\n at addPoints (/app/app/convert_runes.js:243:21)\n at /app/app/convert_runes.js:294:21\n at Array.forEach (native)\n at /app/app/convert_runes.js:287:20\n at Array.forEach (native)\n at streamFromData (/app/app/convert_runes.js:285:25)\n at Object.exports.dataToBinary (/app/app/convert_runes.js:462:38)"
"error": "other_undefined",
"reason": "Data inconsistency, last point must be at end of plot.",
"dbg_stack": "Error: Data inconsistency, last point must be at end of plot.\n at Error (<anonymous>)\n at /app/app/convert_runes.js:265:56\n at Array.forEach (native)\n at addPoints (/app/app/convert_runes.js:243:21)\n at /app/app/convert_runes.js:294:21\n at Array.forEach (native)\n at /app/app/convert_runes.js:287:20\n at Array.forEach (native)\n at streamFromData (/app/app/convert_runes.js:285:25)\n at Object.exports.dataToBinary (/app/app/convert_runes.js:462:38)"