
how bout if OD was able to make another mode in which it was specifically for the dropshot. as you aim in using the left trigger, it would automatically lay down?


New Member
SOCCERdude said:
how bout if OD was able to make another mode in which it was specifically for the dropshot. as you aim in using the left trigger, it would automatically lay down?

That would require too much toggling on and off. What if you're inside looking out a window? You hold the left trigger to zoom in on someone's head and end up hitting the ground staring at the wall below the window...

If the Right Tac Button could act as the B button it would be sufficient enough for drop shots IMO.


New Member
For the sleeper, I think the easiest way to do this would be to modify the standard preset and remove the reload glitches for the 3rd LED quadrant. Use the 3rd LED to show whether drop shot is enabled or disabled. I say put it on the right trigger... If you pull right trigger it holds the B button for 2 seconds and drops you. I use tactical so in my case it would be the right joystick. Maybe an option for people that use both configurations?


New Member
thats a great idea honestly
i mean the only trouble it would be for the coding, is to simply switch two buttons, and upload twice
(forgive me if this is terribly complex lol)


New Member
To be honest, I think a drop shot button would be a waste of time/money. All the drop shot button does is Mimic the B button. So if you play on default, (B is to Crouch/Prone) it just hold b down for you technically. All you have to do is put your control layout on Tactical, and hold down the right thumb stick whilst shooting . Thats how i play.


New Member
JuiCyyy said:
To be honest, I think a drop shot button would be a waste of time/money. All the drop shot button does is Mimic the B button. So if you play on default, (B is to Crouch/Prone) it just hold b down for you technically. All you have to do is put your control layout on Tactical, and hold down the right thumb stick whilst shooting . Thats how i play.

It's about efficiency. First off; switching to the tactical button mapping means you have to press B to knife someone. In most cases when you really need to knife someone, like when they run out in front of you from around a corner, you will be at a disadvantage having to move your thumb over to the B button. As for using the B button to crouch/prone; it's the same dilemma in having to move your right thumb off the stick. Pressing a button at the bottom of the controller where your finger rests that could mimic the action of holding down the B button to go prone would be more efficient.

As for why I'm interested in this. For me, it helps even things out when going up against people that have a better connection to the host than I do, because they almost always get in the first shot in a situation where I spotted them and they spotted me. They have almost a half second advantage in regards to delay.


New Member
The only thing is that this would be very difficult to pull off without a raven, which is why i might have to upgrade sometime soon :)


New Member
Is the dropshot idea dead? I'm not sure how much I might used because of my play style but I know some guys that would like to give it a try.


New Member
I lay the side of my index finger over the ABXY buttons, I can click everything while, have my right thumb to controll aim.


New Member
^ yesssss bringing back the claw. brings back memories of halo2 :)
in another thread OD posted that the drop-shot mod is still a work in progress.


New Member
Agreeing with above... i never use the rapid reload and its not there for all the weapons. Id like to see a drop-shot button simply replace the rapid reload glitch on the left tac switch. press and hold to drop-shot (simple drop to prone, no auto firing) and tap to toggle on off....simple B button mimic. too easy... think itd add a variable function to the left tac which some never use and not having to switch layouts, take a thumb off the right stick, or hold your controller like you have palsy.


New Member
I never use my re-load glitch and would love where you press the left tact switch and it drop shots for you!Unfortuantely though my tact switches are on my top shell...

Xx Binno xX

New Member
Or the tac switch can just turn on the drop shot mode? You hit the left tac switch pull right trigger (RT) and it drop shots and shoots for you all you need to do is aim. Or for the Hammer hit RT and sync to turn on drop shot mode. In stead of reload glitch.

If I new how i would do it myself to help out here at viking but I don't :(


New Member
I would love to help if i could but i haven't the slightest clue yet in 360 controller modding.. always time to learn i guess ;)

I'd say i'd use dropshot more than rapidfire quite honestly!


New Member
i just would like them to make it so u can press a button on the back to knife because lately i hav been using tactical layout so instead of knifing with right analog stick u knife with B. and i love knifing but i havent been able to do it lately or atleast be quick enough to hit b


New Member
The Drop shot button on the left tact would be amazing!!! that would eliminate the need for you to be in tactical mode, so you could go back to knifing the easier way!