All the jitters, fast gun switcher, 3 round burst. Its always switching to secondary as soon as i let off jitter or sometimes throws the semtex instead reloading. I just got this controller yesterday and have probably loaded 10 different macro sets and the only ones that work good is the l96 fast shoot and hold breath with trigger, akimbo secondaries and turbo knife.
I know its not the hardware its just the game. I made a macro for forza 3 that applys the clutch so you can shift the gears without it and it works great.
Can somebody please help me out with some good macros that are currently working. I want to use the g11 and fal or m14, thanks
I know its not the hardware its just the game. I made a macro for forza 3 that applys the clutch so you can shift the gears without it and it works great.
Can somebody please help me out with some good macros that are currently working. I want to use the g11 and fal or m14, thanks