Halo MCC Runes


amp can you post a picture of your timeline? i use a different controller setting and just need to change the button that gets pressed


Drastic the one you posted, is it a half trigger pull at start or a full? Also what is it a Play once or a Loop?


See what im saying, im pretty sure they wont ever get one that works. this stuff is only good for CoD games, you will only be able to get it to work if you had a modded controller made for Dub and quad shotting.


Well-Known Member
We may have to call in a pro on this one. Bonefisher if I give you $5.00 will you rent this game and make some mods lol.
Wish I could even look at the one's I have now... putting in long hours now at work.. so no gaming for me right now for a little while.. maybe when this is over i'll buy the game to help you guys out..


ModdingBros Representative
We may have to call in a pro on this one. Bonefisher if I give you $5.00 will you rent this game and make some mods lol.
Keep it up! Dont give up. U have officially hit the wall now u need to push harder than before. This is how u become a beast at making mods. When u hit the wall u have to tear down everything u think u know start from scratch and push your brain to different ideas on how to make this work. You guys are so close u can smell the finish line. Sometimes it just takes some fresh eyes. When I get to this point I would walk away for a day at two then look back at what I was doing with a more clear head and found that it helped tremindiously. I have fath in you amp and charles, own that mod and show it who's boss!!!!


Well-Known Member
Okay everyone, I finally have it to were it double shots every time perfect! I got it this morning when I got home from work. Its perfect now.
Does this mean I don't need to get the game you have this all under control... Great News! I knew you could pull this off.. Good JOB!


Yes I have it guys! But I'm at work and I will post it when I get home. I get off at 4:45 am and I will post it then well around that time. My gamertag is Stunzy if y'all want to add


Click video to play, proof of the Rune working, I want to give it to yall, but the only thing is, its shooting 5 bullets at a time and not 6, but its me holding down the RB and it empties the clip fast doing quad shots, this is the best I can do, im trying other ways to get to do the 6 bullets.


Any ideas would be helpful what could be making the dub shot do 5 and not 6.... Let me know if you guys like the video