Active Member
you put auto spot on one group page and anti-recoil on another group page! see where the group page number is to the right there is a little star! click that to make it solid and that will make it be on all the time instead of making button to activate the rune! I have like 7 or 8 things going on one page! you also can add anti recoils lets say like group page one has like 10 rapid fires or anti recoils by adding them at the bottom the plus key clicking that and add! then make your group switching sequence like tap tac 1 to cycle through what you have!
This is starting to be a perverse kind of fun mate, I am feeling a bit dumb, cause once you explain it, it makes total sense .. lmao, still havn't got anything actually working yet, but starting to at least understand HOW it works. ODIN, FIX THE DOWNLOAD ISSUE !!!!! It would be so much easier though to see yours, looking at your rune pack would help a lot ......