Yeah, I understand it is just a ton of work for you. I have no doubt you work your ass off doing all this stuff and we appreciate it.
I was merely throwing out random ideas. Sometimes my mind goes wild at night and then i get up the next morning and I'm like why did I post all that crap. Anyway just trying to help.
Now your recent post brought me a new crazy late night idea. First of all how long does it take the programmer(s) to add a new feature to the software? Let's say adding all the buttons to the timeline editor and making the vertical scroll bar.
If we can get a cost estimate maybe you can set up a donations section and then the members (people who actually use the controller) can donate a few dollars towards the programmers cost for added features we want. If people want the features more than others they have the opportunity to donate as much as they'd like. I'm sure we've got some rich old gamers buzzing around here who would love to spend their money on some cool stuff that would enhance their gaming experience. I know I personally would throw down some money for the right features.
Then it is kinda like the community is building their own controller (software really). I mean everyone gets free updates anyway and if we can constantly make improvements to The viking controllers then we will never have to buy another. So who can't spare a few bucks for that?
Anyway, like I said late night idea. Sounds nice to me now but I'll have to go through it again in the morning.