ModdingBros Representative
Whats up everyone, I was just browsing some youtube vids on viking controllers and i dident see very many videos and most of them were like 2 or 3 years old. I think it would be rad if some people in the community with the know-how would post some new vids using the new updated jitters, fast weapon swaps & LB turbo knives! I know the macros the community has made will blow all compeitors minds when they see some of the crazy macros that are out for BO2 and even for older games like MW2. EX. working turbo knives/riots online again, not to metion faster XYY jitters than manymods lol. Im sure once people see the awsome abilities of the macro they will be so intriged that they will just have to get one! Anyway just thought id share my thoughts in hopes some one makes this a reality.