M16 v.s Famas...


Depends on your play style, PS3 sticks are convex. Theoreticaly you coud get faster with higher than 50, but I'm thinking 50 might just be the ideal number for reasons too complicated to explain in less than 300 words, but haveing to do with being a multiple of 5. Also, viking has fast reloads etc. so I'd just stick with viking.
PS3andCOD said:
Depends on your play style, PS3 sticks are convex. Theoreticaly you coud get faster with higher than 50, but I'm thinking 50 might just be the ideal number for reasons too complicated to explain in less than 300 words, but haveing to do with being a multiple of 5. Also, viking has fast reloads etc. so I'd just stick with viking.

Alright thanks I was just wondering! I love my Hammer controller :)


No problem. Maybe if I'm bored in the summer I'll write up a full explaination of why I beleive 50 to be an ideal speed for the burst guns, but it would take too long to do now.
PS3andCOD said:
No problem. Maybe if I'm bored in the summer I'll write up a full explaination of why I beleive 50 to be an ideal speed for the burst guns, but it would take too long to do now.

That would be sweet!!! Whenever you get the chance, I would definitely like to know the reasoning behind this especially since I use the burst guns! Thanks again :D


New Member
Well I would say M16 becuz

less time between burst
faster reload

but the FAMAS
is more accurate so you get more 1 burst kills

but if you slap on holographic sight on the M16 it is just as accurate

o and dude the famas has less spread than the m16


There is not less time between bursts. They are exactly equal at 0.2 seconds. I don't think the spread is any different, but I agree on the rest.
PS3andCOD said:
There is not less time between bursts. They are exactly equal at 0.2 seconds. I don't think the spread is any different, but I agree on the rest.

So both the Famas and M16 have the same time delay between bursts? I have noticed that I do get more one burst kills with the Famas + RDS (especially in long distances)but why? If the spreads are the same then it's the accuracy right? Then again I haven't tried the M16 + Holo combo but I will as soon as I unlock it! So basically from my understanding the M16 + Holo combo will give me the same amount of one burst kills at long distances as the Famas since the Holo on the M16 makes it just as accurate as the Famas right???


Probably. I beleive that the hipfire radiuses are the same, but the FAMAS is a little more acurate when aiming down the sights.
PS3andCOD said:
Probably. I beleive that the hipfire radiuses are the same, but the FAMAS is a little more acurate when aiming down the sights.

A little more accurate than the Holo M16??? It kinda makes sense since the RDS give you a better view than the Holo sight, well at least for me it does :D


OK, here goes why 50 is probably the ideal speed. First of all, you want to be as fast as possible, because the game ignores all inputs until the gun is allowed to shoot again. The faster the sps, the closer together the trigger pulls are, and the sooner a trigger pull will happen after the gun is ready to shoot again. Since 50 is the fastest available in the custum editor, it is the ideal viking speed by this theory. Another reason that 50 is ideal is that the burst guns shoot every 0.2 seconds. Since you need 5 0.2 second times to make one full second, and 50 is a multiple of 5, it should hae a trigger pull falling exactly on each 0.2 second ending. By this reasoning, any multiple of 5 should work well. The one problem here is that the gun might not shoot when the trigger is pulled exactly on the 0.2 second interval, so the other theory comes into affect. Basically, 50 should work great, but 5 might work just as well... I would not go with say, the 666 from intensafire, because it is not a multiple of 5, and I doubt it is actually 666 anyways.
I've been using 50sps for both my M16/Famas and it seems to work just fine, I've tried the jitter mods but the zooming in and out throws my aim off maybe the will come out with a custom jitter mod if possible. Thanks you PS3andCOD for the time you put into explaining this for me I really appreciate it, again thanks for the help :D


New Member
wow so many noobs.

For accuracy:
M16+HS > FAMAS (any sight) > M16 (non HS)
ROF = all 3burst weapons have the same ROF
Reload = m16 > Famas
Full reload 2.447s > 2.6s
Add Time 1.12s > 2.2s

Damage Famas shits all over the M16:

That's a pretty cool chart there so basically the M16 w/Holo beats the Famas in every category except in damage? I thought they both had the same damage base both close and long ranges but that the Famas kept the higher damage base at longer distances than the M16? But...if the M16 w/Holo is more accurate than the Famas w/ any sight then wouldn't the M16 w/Holo keep the higher damage base at long distances just like the Famas??? Does the chart take into consideration that the M16 w/Holo is a glitch? This is just what I think correct me if I'm wrong but if I'm correct the the clear winner is the M16 w/ Holo :D


They do the same damage, the FAMAS just does it's full damage at longer range. But if you don't hit with the full burst, it doesn't matter...