can a macro be made for drop shot that when using the right triggrt only it drop shots but when your aiming it doesn't?
No there isent. The macro can do a lot but there are just some things it cant do. If u really want these type of special funtions then u should look into buying a ragnarok.
Like ive said in so many post before i love the ragnarok for being able to do these kind of funtions your injuiring about. The only way the macro can do this is if u add a
on/off toggle to that specific funtion. I dont belive u can make a funtion on the lt that will cancel out another macro funtion on say the rt. The ragnarok is hard cripted to
do such funtions all through the triggers and the macro just dosent have the capibilites in its software to do all of this. This is why i own both conteollers and consider
them both equales in my book. The macro is capible of so much morw than thw ragnarok for ut the ragnarok can just do some stuff the macro cant.