maybe a quick scope with the breath holding in lol


New Member
um i think it would be cool to have a macro where it aims like a quick scope and and it holds the breathing thing just recently got my viking just a idea


ModdingBros Leader
There was a macro like this but for hard scoping. Your always welcome to try and make it yourself. If your not too familiar with the software just put the record feature on your controller and record yourself doing it. Then edit it a little in the software and WaaLaa! You made yourself a macro. If you dont want to do it then Ill do it in the morning its 3:00 in the morning over here so when I wake up Ill make it.


New Member
alright cool and yea its 3:00 in the moring over here also and yea man thanks yea just when ever u have time it would be great


ModdingBros Leader
View attachment HoldbreathQS.vkm <------------- There you go assign it to a tac switch only. I can make one where you assign it to LT the only bad thing is it wont zoom out. So I would have to do a cancel at the end which is like run or something to break from scoping. You need quickdraw and it works for L118A and the MSR.


New Member
alright thanks but i had a problem when i assigned it to the tac it wasnt working maybe i was doing something wrong or the perks were wrong or something but need help with this one