Need A New Gamertag

I need a good gamertag idea. A creative one, oxymorons are always good to me. Things like Simply Complicated, Destructively Calming, etc. Those are things I have heard. Just looking for some ideas. Post your ideas here.


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Just put lots of x's and o's after your name like every other idiot on XBOX Live.
hahaha true, I havent seen many gt's that dont have every letter in the alphabet before and after. Or just a crap load of numbers.


ModdingBros Representative
I hate trying to come up with good gamer tags its hard, but if i were to re-name my gamertag I could live with these two that i just thought of off the top of my head. GT: Bullet Lobotomie or NicklePlatedRIPs. Tell me what u guys think! Maybe I'm old and out of touch but I really like the second one.


ModdingBros Representative
Anyone reading this please let me know if u are going to change your GT to the second one i mentioned above "NicklePlatedRIPs". If not then after a couple days i am going to make it my brothers new GT.His old GT is like one letter and five numbers lol, so he really needs a new GT. Thanks.

Apex NuGz

New Member
well. when i choose to pick a new GT i look for originality, a "hardcore" sum up.(a GT that says it all) and no odd whack Gamertag.. (that's just me..) or a characteristic of yourself, something that truly defines you...


ModdingBros Representative
I like GT's that are humorousness and have stain power. Something that's always a little comedic every time you read it! It says your not super serious u just like to have fun!
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I was playing and the gamertag that killed me was "A scary black man." I couldnt help but laugh everytime I died to it just for how it sounds. You were killed by "A Scary Black Man" lol.


Rofl, I make it a point to reject any FRs from anyone with X's or O's around their tag. It already tells me they have no imagination.


ModdingBros Representative
The only time i can see that being effective as of using your imagination with the X's or O's thing is if your trying to establish a gamer tag that starts with numbers. U have to have a letter first before u can post a number so someone who say wants a gamer tag X 7.92mmHitman X or something in that nature they can obtain it will X's and O's. This i can get. On the other hand say someone who has a gamertag like xX Im Stupid Xx for ex. that would be retarted with very little imagination as u stated Wolfie. Though if it were me i would try to at least think a little out of the box and do something like l 7.92mmHitman l. By ading lower case L's at least it actually appears to be a boarder rather than the whole X&Os boarder thing.
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I tend to agree with that assessment and yea, I know you can't start with numbers. So easy to work around it by switching things up though. Hitman7.92mm for example. Though I wasn't aware you could use punctuation.

Most of the time though, when someone has used X/O it usually means they wanted a GT and someone else already had it but they insisted they have it anyway. Likely used to getting their way. Their moms probably caved a lot with the candy at the checkout just to shut up their whining. Or, they actually think its cool. A lot of those too I think.

I don't have a big friends list as I am very selective on who I invite and who I accept from. My friends know how I feel about GTs and so don't refer people that are out of my comfort zone. On occasion I make exceptions, just not often. I have granddaughters around a lot and I won't have trash talking profanity spewing out the speakers or text screens or less than appropriate GTs on the screen.


ModdingBros Representative
I totally agree with ya wolfie and i was just trying to distinguish certain circumstances were this could be somewhat be justifiable in that sense. I myself am very selective of who i accept as a friend. I only have like 12 friends total and two are my brothers and half of the other ten are close friends ive had since like 1st grade. Just recently i added a couple people in the forums to my friends list mainly not to look like a inconsiderate **** but i really dont game with any of them. I got a core group of family and friends i like to game with were i can just be myself and dont have to feel like i need to watch my language to not offend someone i just meet. I guess its a comfort zone thing with me. Im only 31 and still consider myself to be young but im not out to make new friends ive already established life long friends and i feel content in that aspect but i consider others to be acquaintances with mutual respect as long as other keep it mutual.


1. No 'TheGreatOne123" or any variation there of.
2. No "X The Great One X" or any variation thereof.
3. No "G r e a t O n e" or any variation thereof.
4. Don't put SWAG in your name unless you want everyone to make fun of you because secretly you are ***.
5. ???


True. As with nearly everything in life there are exceptions. Other than death (and for some, taxes), nothing is guaranteed. For me, its all more than half over. Life is too short to stress over too many things. This isn't one of them.


New Member
Depends on what games you play. Fairly Accurate is a decent oxymoron for shooting gamers.

I agree with the "A Scary Black Man" gamer tag and one time for a computer repair class free day we had a Halo tournament. One team was the penguins and the other was gnomes so we did a bunch of "A happy gnome" "An angry penguin" type of names to add to the fun of it.

And as for the X/O debate or the adding numbers to names, I can agree to that as well. I see a bunch of people using random numbers in their names at the end and they never truly mean anything, and I also see a bunch of people using X's after a clan tag when creating gamertags instead of using spaces of something similar. Now as for me, my tag is buster0944. This is not because I was forced to pick numbers, I've had this username for my online gaming like 14 years ago. My dog was named Buster, and I knew that name would be taken already so I put down 0944. It may not have been very creative at the time but it was something that I stuck with. I can honestly not tell you what the 0944 stands for at this time because I was rather young at the time. But I stuck with it because people can find me now while using it.


New Member
No Xx's and no O0o's ... ;) Do something like I am XYZ, OMG Its XYZ, OH SH Its XYZ what ever, I like them :)
I cant stand when people on my friends list change there name... I feel like theres a handful of them who constantly change there name... I use the same gamertag for everything... unfortunetly in some games Slicktrick gets taken.. ( not sure how ) so I through a few 1's in there if i have to. Sl1cktrick Sl1ckTr1ck Etc.