Depends on what games you play. Fairly Accurate is a decent oxymoron for shooting gamers.
I agree with the "A Scary Black Man" gamer tag and one time for a computer repair class free day we had a Halo tournament. One team was the penguins and the other was gnomes so we did a bunch of "A happy gnome" "An angry penguin" type of names to add to the fun of it.
And as for the X/O debate or the adding numbers to names, I can agree to that as well. I see a bunch of people using random numbers in their names at the end and they never truly mean anything, and I also see a bunch of people using X's after a clan tag when creating gamertags instead of using spaces of something similar. Now as for me, my tag is buster0944. This is not because I was forced to pick numbers, I've had this username for my online gaming like 14 years ago. My dog was named Buster, and I knew that name would be taken already so I put down 0944. It may not have been very creative at the time but it was something that I stuck with. I can honestly not tell you what the 0944 stands for at this time because I was rather young at the time. But I stuck with it because people can find me now while using it.