New Controllers? How many old controllers left? Macro, legacy, prices, what to buy?

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
I got my macro yesterday and all i can say is thank you. Nothing even compares to this controller! Really, just wanted to say it lives up to everything you guys said it would.
You won't be disappointed! If you want to play sometime add me: V360 Southerner
Or if you need help send me a PM!


Active Member
He was meant for that question to go to Odin cause Jax said to ask Odin and skull said he kind of was.

Oh WOW.... Thank you Lil' Blue Helper!!!! NOT..... Hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaaaahahahahahahhahahhahahhahhahahhahahahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaa.............(breathing).....aaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahha......OK I'm done laughing at my own joke!!!!!

Dude I totally understood what Jax-Me-Off said and what Skull said, but thanks to clearing that up just in-case I might have been ******ed....

The reason why I left that comment like that, was in hopes Skull would read it/think about it and then "BOOM" light-bulb would click on in his head
and then he would have re-wrote his post as an actual question addressed to a specific person!!! Because then if E' reads it he will know to answer it.
Look it even through off Jax-me-off, he didn't even know if it was a question or a statement!!!!


ModdingBros Leader
Lil' blue helper? lol thanks Freddie but yeah he should of stated his question a little bit more clear. I thought you were actually stumped so I thought I would try to clear things up.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Fredrow, take it down a notch buddy. Nobody is trying to cause us any harm, it was a friendly conversation I think you steered into the unfriendly territory here.


Active Member
Yeah, seriously no flame wars. Whether we are blue, purple, green, or what - we are all human :)

How was that a Flame War??? Because I don't see it at all......

Why because I said Lil' Blue helper?? What's wrong with that? Can I not give ol' MJ a nickname??? Am I not allowed to have fun with MJ aka' Lil' Blue helper in the way of jokes?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
We keep saying we have 3 months supply and we've been saying that for 3 months now lol. April is only two months away so I think we'll make it.


New Member
You guys are KILLING ME with the price increases! Before Christmas I waited on paying off the Christmas bills. Had the wife talked into the purchase. Birthday rolls around 2/10, I go to make a purchase, it's gone up to $300. Brief flurry of conversations with the CFO (the wife ;) ), then with my two friends that already have the macro controller and love it.

What do these guys do? When I tell them you guys aren't making any more, they buy backups! One guy buys two. The other buys one. For all I know, this recent price increase is due entirely to those sales! Keep in mind I'm the only reason either of them ever heard about the Viking to begin with. I account for five sales all by myself, and the reward I get for this word of mouth advertising is to continually be faced with a new, higher price! Can you keep it down for a few more days while I put together the funds? PLEASE?! AHHHHHHHHHH <insert sound of me noisily going insane with controller envy>


New Member
I feel the same way a bit PuckJunkie, after mine came down with issues, i was seriously already considering to buy one officially from viking, i was struggling as hard as i possibly can to make 300 dollars, and just when i was about to on the 29th of this month, it gone up to 350, and now im behind again.

But i'm going to be sending mine for a repair (i truly pray it will be possible), in the next day or two.


New Member
Hi,i need a suggestion.After reading this whole thread i think the best modded controller i can buy it's viking 360,so i decided to buy it.I can't buy two vikings so i can't do mistakes.The question is simple,can i buy with confidence now a viking 360, or it's better if i wait for the new one?Thanks.


ModdingBros Leader
Well the new controller has already arrived thats the Ragnarok. What games do you mainly play and what are you looking to do with your controller?