New guy on Viking.


New Member
Hey guys,

I'm new and would appreciate guidance on rune making. I've seen some pics of runes which were helpful.

How about the basic runes:

rapid fire-- Saw on a post of speeds of 26, 28, 32 SPS.... isn't that too fast where gun would start to stutter?

ANTI-RECOIL- didn't even know such a thing existed till now

Auto sprint

quick melee

quick reload

burst fire


quick scope


Also what is bxb Rxxy.....or some kind of combination like that that I saw on another post?


ModdingBros Representative
BXR or RRXYYRR are halo 2 mods. They just symbolise the buttons on the controller.

As for all other mods your inquiring about u just need to study how they operate. Best advice I can give u would be to surf around the macro section and look @ macros that pretain to what u want to learn how to build.

There are general "button canclers" to make the mod work. Like turbo knife's use right stick or B button then left or right number then Y button.

I would first learn what button canclers are needed to do the mod at task then it comes down to timing. Timing is most important and involves a lot of trial and error to get it right.

Study old macros and learn how they operate. Use them as starting point templetes then adjust them around till u get a working rune. I'd start simple like auto sprints and quick reloads then move on to more complicated mods.

If u get stuck on something just ask around here and other members will help u figure it out. Good luck.