New Odin Controllers Make Gameplay Worse. Plz Help


New Member
Let me start this off by saying I'm not a noob. I've tried the controller using the default all-in-one driver, the Odin driver, and many other custom configurations, and none of them reload any faster than normal. I've read posts where people say it's as fast as slight of hand, but i'm not seeing ANYTHING like that. Rapid fire also doesnt work. It has a stutter which makes the bullets hit all over the place, never in the same place, so it's really hard to hit anyone when it's on. Also when playing Demolition, i cannot defuse the bombs, ever, because when i hold down X, it starts to defuse, but then i suddenly stand up. It's beyond pissing me off, especially since i spent almost $500 for 2 of them.

Also, i've seen a list of values for each gun that shows the right value for fast reload. However, I can't input those in the Odin because they only allow you to put in a delay value, 1 through 256, no decimals, and it's for ALL MW2 guns, not each gun. How do you do that on the Odin?

Would anyone be open to me calling you and quickly talking through this? I've contacted Viking a few days ago but haven't heard back yet, and I'm now debating on whether to return them or not. I'd like to get them working if possible, but if not, they're going back as they were way too much money to not work correctly.

Here's a picture of how I have the controllers setup right now since nothing else worked.


Thanks in advance,
Jason Volpe

modded matt

Active Member
ok, let me try this without being an ass.

the custom editor is a beta. with any beta, there are bugs that need worked out.

when you first get a controller, I sugest learning the modes, how they work, and how they affect gameplay. use "the works" code. learn how this works before trying custom editing.
your problems can all be fixed by understanding "the works" code

fast the works, you will see fast reload is controlled by the left tact, and the left tact has 6-8 modes (for each different wepon as each wepon needs a different delay time) It works!!

rapid fire...again in the works, there is slow RF, fast RF burst, Jitter, akembo etc..these are different modes for the right tact. count the led flashes and make sure your in the right mode. (for the FAL the best RF speed is just under 10sps) this is preprogramed in the works code.

demolition....the reason your guy stops defusing the bomb is because you are hitting x and have rapid reload on, when rapid reload is on, the controller is pressing x,y,y which stops the character from defusing...

your controlers are functioning properly, the problem is user error. crawl before you walk.


New Member
I figured I'd get a few responses like this, and yes, I crawled for 2 weeks using each mode that's available. Before using the editor, I used "the works" where there are 8 modes on both left and right tac switch. However, the only options that work correctly are akimbo and dropshot. Once I'm on dropshot though, I can't click the tac to move onto the next mode because it's stuck on dropshot. I have to turn off the mod button completely, turn it back on and move to the mode I want, but by then I've been waxed by the other team. I spent the first 2 weeks going through each combination of the 8 settings on each tac, and am not seeing rapid reload on anything, and rapid fire is far from rapid on the guns i use. For instance, SCAR-H didnt speed up no matter which rapid fire option i chose. Same with the RPD. What's more is the fast reloads would start to reload but then immediately stop. The only way i could then reload the ammo is if i fire the remaining shells in the clip, which would then force the gun to reload. I've read a lot about how people are hitting X just before the clip is empty and keeping their finger on the trigger. That's a ridiculous expectation when you're on some of these maps where you can't take your eyes off the people you're shooting at or you'll get killed. Maybe there are known 'tricks' to make everything work correctly, but nothing was included in my shipment outside of the one page picture of the control and the 8 modes on each side. Even on the Odin driver install documentation, nothing regarding how to handle possible conflicts are included, and I just don't have the time to go thread by thread through this forum to compile all the tips and tricks that people have mentioned. Not even the FAQ includes this info, so I know I'm not the only one struggling with how to get this thing working the way it's supposed to.

My neighbor has a $20 controller that has 4 modes and you just click the tac on it and it works on every gun for both rapid fire and fast reload. I'm sure many of you will say then go buy one of those.... However, I bought these because I wanted to have the ability to customize it through the USB connection, and I made the investment in these expecting that they'd at least outperform those $20 controllers, but I've yet to see that happen. I'm really hoping someone is willing to have a quick call with me instead of trying to go back and forth in this forum. I do know what I'm doing here, and I completely understand and did everything you listed in your response, but I'm not getting acceptable results. Part of me feels my expectations are too high, but for $500, I feel I should get everything advertised plus a reach around.

Let's please keep this constructive. I know many of you are happy and yours are working fine, and that's awesome. I'm hoping someone can help me identify why I'm not getting the same results you are. Maybe something is wrong with the controllers, but I don't know. I did a button test and it was fine, so maybe it's something else. Viking doesn't take phone calls, and sends people to this forum no matter what question they have. I'd really like to get these working well and keep them, but I don't think these work the way I expected them to. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Thanks in advance,
Jason Volpe


New Member
You sound like you're a smart person, I do not see why you're having so many problems lol. I have a Thor's Hammer controller, so I can't help you out too much with your Raven. One thing you need to understand is you can't speed up the ROF (Rate of Fire) for any guns that are already automatic, or have a pre set ROF. It seems like a lot of people think they can. The reason why your rapid fire has a "stutter" is because you have the wrong setting for ROF. I noticed that you have Custom speeds of 10, 20, and 30...this is messing everything up for you.

It shouldn't take you very long to look around the forum, most important facts you need to know for your controller are "stickied" at the top of each section in this forum.

Set your rapid fire speed for MW2 to 27.40. I promise you it will shoot faster than your friend's $20 controller.

Now I've only had my controller for a month, and I'll tell you the first day I was very confused, and didn't know how to use it. I took the time to play around with it in private matches, and I read most of the posts around the forum to figure out how to use the controller. My patience paid off. I have way too much fun playing MW2 now.


New Member
Thanks for the reply. So that makes sense. I was one of those people who assumed that you could enable rapid fire on fully automatic weapons, such as the SCAR, ACR, RPD, Mini Uzi, etc... It's working ok for my pistols, but the rapid reload isn't working, even if I set the correct gun to the right tac button. Shouldn't I be able to replicate "Slight of Hand" for pretty much any MW2 gun? That's an area that I haven't seen work even once. Even using the default drivers, it does not work. Is there a special trick to getting that to work?

Jason Volpe

modded matt

Active Member
Jason, I am sorry your still haveing problems, contact me on live my tag is "IFF matt B"

just to sum up a few of your Q's qickly,

the works code dosnt have drop shot
automatic guns cant be sped up, but with the correct ROF they can become alot more acurate.
for rapid reolad, you must be on the correct setting, and you must manually reload the gun, if you dont press x the controller dont know your reloading.
I doubt his $20 controller has rapid reload, and yours when set right will be faster
sorry but no reach around is provided with the viking. this product is worth the money. if you wanted to pay that much and get a reach around you should have went to eveil controllers lol.


New Member
:D That's funny. I'm going out of town for a couple of days but I'll hit you up sometime next week on live. Until then, I'll check out some of the settings I received from some of the other members who replied and will follow back up once I know.

Jason Volpe


Well-Known Member
Staff member
jv303841 said:
Let me start this off by saying I'm not a noob. I've tried the controller using the default all-in-one driver, the Odin driver, and many other custom configurations, and none of them reload any faster than normal. I've read posts where people say it's as fast as slight of hand, but i'm not seeing ANYTHING like that.

You are lacking some serious understanding on how this controller works. Matt has got a good post but let me try to fill in the details to explain why I think he is right. Let me explain some of the concepts here:

***Fast Reload***

Be sure you turn sleight of hand OFF. All of the Fast Reload timings are meant to REPLACE your sleight of hand perk, not work WITH it. Fast Reload won't work if you have the sleight of hand turned on. So turn it off and try again.

jv303841 said:
Also when playing Demolition, i cannot defuse the bombs, ever, because when i hold down X, it starts to defuse, but then i suddenly stand up.

Also, if you have Fast Reload turned on, which is nothing more than a macro that plays X... Y... Y.... automatically, then of course you won't be able to defuse the bomb. Turn off the Fast Reload, defuse the bomb, then turn Fast Reload back on again. When you leave Fast Reload on, and you hold X to defuse the bomb, the controller is saying "Oh ok, you want fast reload? Ok I am going to play the macro x... y... y..." which disrupts your bomb defusing. Hello...

jv303841 said:
Rapid fire also doesnt work. It has a stutter which makes the bullets hit all over the place, never in the same place, so it's really hard to hit anyone when it's on.

***Rapidfire vs. Jitter Mod***

Jitter Mod is a gimmick promoted by all of the other mod companies. EvilControllers doesn't even call it jitter, they call it "AutoBurst". The point is, jitter mod sucks. It is inaccurate and sprays bullets all over the place and screws up your site aiming. With that said, it is very useful in short to mid range combat especially with some of the shotguns because it will increase your rate of fire and you can't possible lose a short distance exchange with jitter mod on. So if you are telling us that you are trying to shoot with Jitter Mod and it's inaccurate, yes you are right.

As far as stuttering, please tell me you are not trying to turn your RapidFire on and use it with a fully auto gun like the ACR. Plain RapidFire only works with single-fire guns! This means the FAL-21 and the USP .45's for you COD2 gamers.

Lastly, your rates of fire set at 20 and 30 are way, way, way too high for COD:MW2. The cap is somewhere around 10-11SPS. RapidFire controllers can't magically hack the software in the game. RapidFire controllers can only play back macros. In this case, rapidfire will press the trigger for you as fast as you tell it to (for example, let's take the 20 SPS). It's going to tap that trigger 20 times per second. Whether or not the game you are currently playing onwill recognize it is another story. When you set speeds higher than the inherent speed cap in cOD:MW2, it will cause stuttering. You may see short bursts that exceed the cap, but the software knows, and will bring you back down by stuttering your fire. Every game reacts differently, but nearly every game has some sort of inherent acp, either due to the game software developer trying to detect rapidfire controllers, or just that the game developer simply didn't write the software to understand speeds that are so high because it's inhumanly possibly to pump the trigger 20 times per second.

jv303841 said:
Here's a picture of how I have the controllers setup right now since nothing else worked.

You have it set up wrong. The toggle on/off works 1,000 times better when it is set to tac switch TAP. The scroll modes should be assigned to the tac switch HOLD.

Let me start this off by saying I'm not a noob. I've tried the controller using the default all-in-one driver, the Odin driver, and many other custom configurations, and none of them reload any faster than normal. I've read posts where people say it's as fast as slight of hand, but i'm not seeing ANYTHING like that. Rapid fire also doesnt work. It has a stutter which makes the bullets hit all over the place, never in the same place, so it's really hard to hit anyone when it's on. Also when playing Demolition, i cannot defuse the bombs, ever, because when i hold down X, it starts to defuse, but then i suddenly stand up. It's beyond pissing me off, especially since i spent almost $500 for 2 of them.

jv303841 said:
Also, i've seen a list of values for each gun that shows the right value for fast reload. However, I can't input those in the Odin because they only allow you to put in a delay value, 1 through 256, no decimals, and it's for ALL MW2 guns, not each gun. How do you do that on the Odin?

Can you link to this list because I've never seen fast reload timings with decimals...


Someone on the forums has a list of all the fast reload timings for the editor. Maybe he means the values under "add to mag" on the weapon charts?


Active Member
@Odingalt.... i must disagree about jitter. I find jitter to be loads of fun and not a gimmick its actually practical to use....given that you are less than 100 yards.


New Member
Ok not to get off topic, but I have a question that has been puzzling me for a bit. If the cap for the fire rate is like 10-12 sps, then how come when I set the fire rate to 27.40, I can shoot as fast as any automatic gun, if not faster. Try putting 50 sps on the M21, it's ridiculous.


Active Member
apcoop7 said:
Ok not to get off topic, but I have a question that has been puzzling me for a bit. If the cap for the fire rate is like 10-12 sps, then how come when I set the fire rate to 27.40, I can shoot as fast as any automatic gun, if not faster. Try putting 50 sps on the M21, it's ridiculous.
Because the controller is going so far above that the game can't slow it down quick enough


New Member
Odin, this is precisely why I sent your company an email mentioning the fact that I didn't want to post this in the forums because it would become a flame fest, which it most certainly has. You also couldn't be more condescending in your individual responses. The things you mention may well be correct, but it's not listed in any product documentation. Sure, I could spend hours digging through these forums to find the right information for my controller, only to find out a week later that a newer post invalidates the post I've trusted as the truth, but when someone invests $500 in a product, there is a certain expectation that the company provides at least minimal documentation to get it working, or at least provides a service where the customer can get the answers to their questions in an efficient way. I for one have thrown in the towel on dicking with these controllers and am sending them back for a refund.


New Member
PS3andCOD said:
Someone on the forums has a list of all the fast reload timings for the editor. Maybe he means the values under "add to mag" on the weapon charts?

I saw the same list and that's what I was referring to. It lists every gun and the settings for each gun whether you're using "slight of hand" or not. So each gun had 2 numbers associated with it. Odin even thanked him for creating the list, so I'm not sure why he doesn't recall what list I was referencing.


New Member
@Odingalt.... i must disagree about jitter. I find jitter to be loads of fun and not a gimmick its actually practical to use....given that you are less than 100 yards.

I disagree as well. If Jitter is a gimmick, and you're admitting that it is, then why advertise that your controller supports it. Yes, i realize all companies are doing it, but my son uses the FAMAS and since the Odin controller supports various jitter modes, I got him that, only to find out that the company admits their support of that functionality is a "gimmick". Those of you who have one of these controllers obviously would disagree because you need to reassure yourself that you didn't get ripped off, but what about those of you who don't have one? Am I the only one who sees that as extremely misleading...?

Here's all the advertising on the Jitter mod support that Viking puts out there.


Active Member
jv303841 said:
@Odingalt.... i must disagree about jitter. I find jitter to be loads of fun and not a gimmick its actually practical to use....given that you are less than 100 yards.

I disagree as well. If Jitter is a gimmick, and you're admitting that it is, then why advertise that your controller supports it. Yes, i realize all companies are doing it, but my son uses the FAMAS and since the Odin controller supports various jitter modes, I got him that, only to find out that the company admits their support of that functionality is a "gimmick". Those of you who have one of these controllers obviously would disagree because you need to reassure yourself that you didn't get ripped off, but what about those of you who don't have one? Am I the only one who sees that as extremely misleading...?

Here's all the advertising on the Jitter mod support that Viking puts out there.
Good point.


New Member
odingalt said:
jv303841 said:
Let me start this off by saying I'm not a noob. I've tried the controller using the default all-in-one driver, the Odin driver, and many other custom configurations, and none of them reload any faster than normal. I've read posts where people say it's as fast as slight of hand, but i'm not seeing ANYTHING like that.

You are lacking some serious understanding on how this controller works. Matt has got a good post but let me try to fill in the details to explain why I think he is right. Let me explain some of the concepts here:

JV303841 Says "Thanks for catching on that I am lacking serious understanding of your product. That's the whole point of my topic, so that I can get help from the forum readers, just like you asked me to do. Telling me that I'm a freggin' idiot for not understanding how your undocumented controller works is laughable. "

***Fast Reload***

Be sure you turn sleight of hand OFF. All of the Fast Reload timings are meant to REPLACE your sleight of hand perk, not work WITH it. Fast Reload won't work if you have the sleight of hand turned on. So turn it off and try again.

JV303841 Says "Slight of hand has always been OFF. The whole reason for the fast reload mod is to replace me having to waste a perk on it, and I get that. In fact, that's the reason I bought the controller in the first place. However, it still doesn't work like "slight of hand", even set the way everyone says to. That's my main issue here".

jv303841 said:
Also when playing Demolition, i cannot defuse the bombs, ever, because when i hold down X, it starts to defuse, but then i suddenly stand up.

Also, if you have Fast Reload turned on, which is nothing more than a macro that plays X... Y... Y.... automatically, then of course you won't be able to defuse the bomb. Turn off the Fast Reload, defuse the bomb, then turn Fast Reload back on again. When you leave Fast Reload on, and you hold X to defuse the bomb, the controller is saying "Oh ok, you want fast reload? Ok I am going to play the macro x... y... y..." which disrupts your bomb defusing. Hello...

JV303841 Says "Hello...? Real nice, Odin. I don't have the time to dig through your forum to learn every little thing about how the controller works. Had I known that would be a requirement, I would have never bought this type of controller in the first place. No where in any of your instructional videos or provided material does it mention anything about this. Do you push all your customers to this forum to make yourself look good while making your customer feel belittled? If so, you're doing a great job.

jv303841 said:
Rapid fire also doesn't work. It has a stutter which makes the bullets hit all over the place, never in the same place, so it's really hard to hit anyone when it's on.

***Rapidfire vs. Jitter Mod***

Jitter Mod is a gimmick promoted by all of the other mod companies. EvilControllers doesn't even call it jitter, they call it "AutoBurst". The point is, jitter mod sucks. It is inaccurate and sprays bullets all over the place and screws up your site aiming. With that said, it is very useful in short to mid range combat especially with some of the shotguns because it will increase your rate of fire and you can't possible lose a short distance exchange with jitter mod on. So if you are telling us that you are trying to shoot with Jitter Mod and it's inaccurate, yes you are right.

JV303841 Says "Then don't advertise that your controllers have that feature, because they don't. I've seen many modded controllers implement that mod to where it works flawlessly on the FAMAS. Just because your implementation of it may be a gimmick doesn't mean the mod itself cannot be made usable, because it's available on other controllers. So, if you feel that strongly about your jitter mod, just remove it altogether and don't advertise that your controllers can do it."

As far as stuttering, please tell me you are not trying to turn your RapidFire on and use it with a fully auto gun like the ACR. Plain RapidFire only works with single-fire guns! This means the FAL-21 and the USP .45's for you COD2 gamers.

JV303841 Says "When I first got it, I was under the impression that you could use your rapidfire on say the Mini Uzi to add rapidfire to it before you've unlocked that gun option. I was told by someone on the forum that it only works on non-automatic weapons, so I know better now. However, the way rapidfire works on your controller is a bit odd. Take the USP.45 as an example. Using a setting of 10 per second, the gun is not usable in battle because when you shoot, the gun is aiming straight up by the time it empties the clip, so you can't actually kill someone with it unless you're aiming with it and tap the trigger. I'm sure there's a specific setting to make this work, but it hasn't been in anything I've read yet, nor is it easily accessible to someone who's recently purchased a controller. "

Lastly, your rates of fire set at 20 and 30 are way, way, way too high for COD:MW2. The cap is somewhere around 10-11SPS. RapidFire controllers can't magically hack the software in the game. RapidFire controllers can only play back macros. In this case, rapidfire will press the trigger for you as fast as you tell it to (for example, let's take the 20 SPS). It's going to tap that trigger 20 times per second. Whether or not the game you are currently playing onwill recognize it is another story. When you set speeds higher than the inherent speed cap in cOD:MW2, it will cause stuttering. You may see short bursts that exceed the cap, but the software knows, and will bring you back down by stuttering your fire. Every game reacts differently, but nearly every game has some sort of inherent acp, either due to the game software developer trying to detect rapidfire controllers, or just that the game developer simply didn't write the software to understand speeds that are so high because it's inhumanly possibly to pump the trigger 20 times per second.

JV303841 Says "I'm sure my rates of fire are set way, way, way too high, but without clear documentation showing me what the limits are, I was simply guessing to see what worked, hence why I started at 10, then 20, and finally 30. If what you are saying is true, then I would see that behavior during game play, however it wasn't until value 30 that I saw the guns fire closer to what I expected to see. In reading various posters stuff today, I've come to realize that this setting is one of the most misunderstood setting you support, and many, many people are confused by it, and have their own feelings about the values that work or don't work."

jv303841 said:
Here's a picture of how I have the controllers setup right now since nothing else worked.

You have it set up wrong. The toggle on/off works 1,000 times better when it is set to tac switch TAP. The scroll modes should be assigned to the tac switch HOLD.

Let me start this off by saying I'm not a noob. I've tried the controller using the default all-in-one driver, the Odin driver, and many other custom configurations, and none of them reload any faster than normal. I've read posts where people say it's as fast as slight of hand, but i'm not seeing ANYTHING like that. Rapid fire also doesnt work. It has a stutter which makes the bullets hit all over the place, never in the same place, so it's really hard to hit anyone when it's on. Also when playing Demolition, i cannot defuse the bombs, ever, because when i hold down X, it starts to defuse, but then i suddenly stand up. It's beyond pissing me off, especially since i spent almost $500 for 2 of them.

jv303841 said:
Also, i've seen a list of values for each gun that shows the right value for fast reload. However, I can't input those in the Odin because they only allow you to put in a delay value, 1 through 256, no decimals, and it's for ALL MW2 guns, not each gun. How do you do that on the Odin?

JV303841 Says "The last thing I want to do is contribute to the flaming that's going on. My point for this thread was very simple. I'm a first time user of your controller. I've never had one that has this many options, and because of the various options you support, introduce a level of complexity that requires a certain level of documentation. I admittedly don't know enough about these controllers to make them work correctly, and I'm grabbing at straws to locate the right information, however I'm still at a point where I don't have a complete picture of everything, and as a result, may not have every setting correct. It would have been great if you could have gone through each of my items and provided a link to the right information on your forum, so I could be on my way. But instead you'd ask me "why the hell I'd use that setting", or "Please tell me you didn't do THAT", or "wow, you are very very very stupid and have no idea how these controllers work". There's NO place for that commentary when dealing with a paying customer. I've tried to locate a phone number for your company, and can't, nor have any of my emails been responded to. If this would be better suited as a support ticket, then you should have converted my thread into a support ticket, and helped me that way. Any forum I've used for product support has made sure people get the information they need to use their products, but I don't get the same feeling here. Customer satisfaction makes or breaks any company regardless of how good the product is, especially in an industry that's as competitive as gaming accessories. I posed this thread last week, and here we are days later not any further along than when I started, which is extremely frustrating. This controller may in fact work, and work well, but I simply don't have the time to play these games or enough information to make it work as expected, nor does the company have enough desire to provide me with the necessary information to get it working. "

modded matt

Active Member
the documentation is all in the forum. however 99% of what you need to know is listed in the instruction sheets for each preset download code. you admitantly dont have a complete grasp of how the controller works. the editor is a beta and has flaws, it can only operate within the paramiters of its coding. I have offered my xbox live name to you, and have been online and available for about 30 of the past 48 hrs this weekend. you must learn how the controller works before trying to make your own code. example, by using the works code, you will learn that some guns work good with fast rapidfire and some guns fire faster on the slow setting then they do on the fast setting. these are things you must learn through use, and will help you understnad why when you program a speed at 50sps it dont fire as fast as a setting at 10sps. these are not magic controllers, they canot magicly change how the game works, only manipulate it to the tollerance of the in game programing.