New Update Beta Anti-recoils M14 (NEW)


New Member
v 7 had the same problemt i had been having... it didnt start pulling down until after a couple of shots... its quicker than in v5 tho(the pulling down)


Active Member
DirkSmoove said:
v 7 had the same problemt i had been having... it didnt start pulling down until after a couple of shots... its quicker than in v5 tho(the pulling down)

Prob your connection is Elite... I'll make another one specifically for you.


Active Member
DirkSmoove said:
na i dunno about elite lol.. but are u gonna b on 2nite? i sent ya a friend requeest

Just got off for the night. Was on my other account. Long story... hopefully I can add you tomorrow.


New Member
sounds cool too me... but i used to play wit u all the time on my other account "i am dirksmoove" i helped wit the turbo knife u remember... anyway.. my new gt is "Dirk Smoove"...


Active Member
DirkSmoove said:
sounds cool too me... but i used to play wit u all the time on my other account "i am dirksmoove" i helped wit the turbo knife u remember... anyway.. my new gt is "Dirk Smoove"...

Yep I remember.


Active Member
10 sensitivity is actually the most commonly used. How can you play on a low sensitivity? You can't turn around fast enough.


Active Member
dopeismarcus said:
NYjetsNY1 said:
10 sensitivity is actually the most commonly used. How can you play on a low sensitivity? You can't turn around fast enough.

i turn around just fine with a 4 sensitivity

Yes, just fine. 10 Sensitivity I can whip around in 0.10 seconds. Can you do that?


New Member
version 6 works better for me, but that is not personal opinion. I feel like I need it to recoil quicker than it does, in other words. It's pulling down a little late for me