NYjetsNY1 said:
gaming rigs are even more orgasmic!
I LOVE my netbook. Actually last year I bought a brand new Asus gaming laptop, I mean top of the line $2000 laptop. After 8 months it was already out dated and the value dropped to $700. I told myself I would never buy a gaming laptop EVER again. I ended up selling the laptop and just upgrading my pc.
Now I have 2 pc's, 1 upstairs that my wife uses and 1 downstairs which is connected to my 50" Plasma so I can stream movies etc. It is such a pain in the butt to get the pc all going and situated when I can just open my netbook and do my internet stuff.
I haven't played a game on my pc in months, I mainly just use the xbox. So the majority of my time spend on the computer is browsing my regular forums, checking email, watching movies, etc. The only downfall to netbooks (mine atleast) is that you can't play HD videos. Other than that it is fantastic. I can even edit photos and stuff in photoshop or edit videos with premiere. It is so small and light (2.5 lbs or something) that I can take it to work or school and not have a problem.
It's also got a 250 gb hard drive so I can store a lot of movies and applications on it.