Just wondering, but wouldn't your curent code (for COD anyway) work for PS3 as well, with the swaping of the triggers? The only diference from 360 is that R1 (the top button) is shoot, and the same inversion is on the left side. some games use R2 for shoot though, so some code for that is needed as well. I'm not a coder, but thats what I think. Unless the voltage is reflected in the code, because PS3 runs on 3.7, and x-box runs on 3(?). I'm willing to test a chip in my sixaxis, it came with an original 60 gig system, so it's way out of waranty. If it works in mine, my brothers will probably let me at theirs, a different model sixaxis and a dualshok 3. Please tell me, will it wreck my board to touch a wire to power, and while a game is runing, touch it to other points to see if they are solder points? Because the buttons on the controller just let the power through to the required places right?