PS3 Thoughts


Active Member
alright well obviously rapid fire... and dropshots + some tacts... sorta like an odin's raven i guess but with added functionality if not a full-fledged macro


Yeah, I think that's what he's looking at doing basically... Exactly which ways should it differ from the raven then?


Active Member
Sorta added stuff to raven like rapid fire RB/LB R1/R2 rapid fires... more stuff.. option to change analogs to xbox ones as well... oh LED thing if possible..

you should think of stuff too


Of course... I think that if we're limited to the two slots of the raven a tac to change modes and a tac for an action for each slot would be good... Obviously more slots would be better. I don't think LED options are a problem though, the PS3 LEDs are out of the way at the top, you can't see them well like 360 LEDs. MAybe an LED under the PS button? They're hard to fit though I think.


Active Member
good suggestions, I wonder if an all-viking360 made controller is possible... they build the shell AND modchip etc... and find a way to connect it sorta like what datel does with there wildfire controllers


I imagine that's too big a project... Odingalt also said he wants to avoid that because they can be blocked by Sony. It's not as big a problem on PS3 as 360 though. But a lot of 3rd party stuff was blocked lately when they stopped jailbreaking...


Active Member
right... alright so then we gotta have offish ps3 controller, maybe if were lucky stuffed into an xbox one
needs to have analog replacements, have rapid fires on all buttons... added LED's if possible but not needed.
2 tacticals, one to change page / function one like a scrolling one, one to have a function such as dropshot, etc.


I would say two tacs per slot... Like the raven has two slots? There seemed to be problems when tryin gto change slots and use the tac for a function at once...


Of course, assuming there are more slots... Only really need one per slot. You do know the slots like the raven had right? Not like the maco controller really...


Active Member
I had a raven... The modes were 8. Each mode had 2 slots, 1 tac per slot 2 tac = 2 slots. 1 tac = rapid fire akimbo, one may be fast reload. I can see this on a ps3 one


Active Member
yeah im mad cuz i bought my odin right before the sale / right before the macro... i spent a ton of $ only to then have to get the macro lol so then i sold my odin to get a macro. Anyways back to PS3... odingalt said its possible to have something better than xbox so we really don't know much of what the capabilities are yet

ODIN: After we crack open this PS3 controller and start to dig into the details, we may even find out it's possible to do even MORE with the PS3 controller than we could with the XBOX 360 controller.


Yeah, we'll have to see. No one has ever made a PS3 mod as good as their 360 mods though... Unless they have really shitty 360 mods.


Active Member
PS3andCOD said:
Yeah, we'll have to see. No one has ever made a PS3 mod as good as their 360 mods though... Unless they have really poop 360 mods.

i'm confused... whos 360 mods? Viking's aren't poop... are you talking about Evil? Those are total poop.

Anyways though ... I'd LOVE:
Xbox 360 analog sticks

I'd Like:
Tactical switches
LED indications

What would be OK:
modes / tactical switch changing modes (like the raven)


I'm talking most mod shops, including evil, don't have PS3 mods that are equal in function to their 360 mods, unless their 360 mods are just terrible too.


Active Member
NYjetsNY1 said:
Well that is true so most likely vikings ps3 wont be as good as 360 but should try to be close
Why not? The controller is easier to get all the buttons controlled than the xbox controller......also the raven had ten slots per side(in the hex editor) for a total of 20.


Active Member
NYjetsNY1 said:
Well that is true so most likely vikings ps3 wont be as good as 360 but should try to be close
Why not? The controller is easier to get all the buttons controlled than the xbox controller......also the raven had ten slots per side(in the hex editor) for a total of 20.

alright alright we'll see what odin can do then


NYjetsNY1 said:
Well that is true so most likely vikings ps3 wont be as good as 360 but should try to be close
Why not? The controller is easier to get all the buttons controlled than the xbox controller......also the raven had ten slots per side(in the hex editor) for a total of 20.
How do you know that? I know you need transistors to the R common and L common... That's the main problem holding back most shops, using simple pic chips. Odingalt can just have the required transistors built into the chip though.