PS3 Thoughts


Active Member
alright we've killed this to death, now lets reflect what do we want? Ive said:

Anyways though ... I'd LOVE:
Xbox 360 analog sticks

I'd Like:
Tactical switches
LED indications

What would be OK:
modes / tactical switch changing modes (like the raven)

What would you like...


Well obviously macro would be the best possibility, but otherwise I'd like basically a raven with equivalent functions on the R1/L1 and R2/L2 trigger sets and each slot has a tac for changing modes and a tac for tehfunction of the mode you're on. Or possibly if you're in a mode that doesn't require a function button, like rapidfire, you could remap to the funnction button? Or stuff like semi-manual fast reloads, you hit the button when you're ready, instead of having problems when you pick up other guns. It would be good if even if we couldn't directly make macros with it if Odingalt could port some of the best macros from the 360 macro controller.


Good Idea. If we just get all the random stuff in here, and you and M1A1 move it up there if it's any good/has a definative idea of what they want.


Yes, I think so. It was msotly us, with a bit from M1A1 and ModdedMatt, who can add whatever they think anyways...


People should put it up on se7sins, acid mods etc... I think I have a se7sins account, I'll have to go see... Maybe Matt can put it on acidmods, he's an administrator there.


Active Member
PS3andCOD said:
People should put it up on se7sins, acid mods etc... I think I have a se7sins account, I'll have to go see... Maybe Matt can put it on acidmods, he's an administrator there.
acid mods is doing there own open source thing for PS3


PS3andCOD said:
People should put it up on se7sins, acid mods etc... I think I have a se7sins account, I'll have to go see... Maybe Matt can put it on acidmods, he's an administrator there.
acid mods is doing there own open source thing for PS3
Right... They might be interested anyways, not everyone can manage opensource...


I'm not sure if they may have just came out with a new controller model? They all have the same workings it seems to me, just different points. I think Blackburn knows a lot about PS3 mods, he was on acidmods with tp spots for some of the controllers...


Do you have any features you'd like to see? At this point we need to see what Odingalt thinks of the ideas before we can sugest much more.

modded matt

Active Member
Remmnever said:
Wow you guys have no faith in me huh?





RDC there are only half a doxen people i know capable of such work. u being one of them.... why the name change as soon as i saw the background i knew who it was lol


New Member
I think there a host of good idea's. I think Odin should (once he figures out the ps3 insides and gets an idea of possibilities) make two lines of ps3. He mentioned he wanted a low cost one, so maybe a budget controller and another controller (with a higher cost) which offers customization / more buttons (such as sticks available for macro's) / more tac switches or something like that. The Raven and Thor's Hammer (I think it was) was a good example of this. I'm not very tech savy but I think this would be a good idea. This would probably as you will reach a wide market if you offer a cheap ps3 controller with (better than ever other ps3 mod I've ever seen) features, at a decent cost, while you could say build each order individually for a more advanced controller aimed at more "Hardcore" ps3 gamers (at first at-least).

Now onto actual controller idea's:

I say two tac switches is enough, maybe three one for a page switch of sorts or a mode on/off switch. A modification program with something similar to the 360 macro library would also be good as you can get the community involved in the macro making instead of you making a good amount of pre-sets. This would also reduce the need for post-release support as people can just search/make your own macro's.

My final idea is quite a good one. From reading your specs (of the new viking controller) the chip hardware is the major cost with you even saying "It costs 4X as much as the older chip". With the ps3 controller, what I like doing (since my slim only has 2 usb slots and I usually have a headset and my phone or something charging [yes this is my inspiration]) is have my controller's usb plugged into my pc while I use the ps3 so it charges and I play. You could use a basic chip (I am clueless as to how it would work but it might be cost effective?) and have a program shipped with it or available for download through the website. This program does all the macro's and stores all information (*cough*does all the processes*cough*) on your own PC, so you won't have to buy an expensive chip with a good processor and memory for macro's. This has several advantages (hypothetical?). I see it being cheaper, easier to update/edit macro's on the fly, and having less limits. This is obviously negative in some aspects, such as it's not very portable, so you can't take it to your friends house.

What I see as best?

You could offer two controllers, one (cheaper chip) which needs to be plugged into a pc and uses that. And one portable controller (obviously more expensive) which can store and run independently of your controller (and the inside chip). This solves the "price-tag" issue, but doesn't offer you (much) extra work as it will basically just be the exact same software. It will probably not be done this-way but (at least) in my head this seems cool.


It's great to hear the ideas, but I don't think that a PC based controller would happen... It's very inconvenient, and I imagine the coding would be at the least different, if not even harder. As far as I understand, about half the cost or even more of the macro controller chip is a socket type piece that may not even be compatable with PS3 anyways. I think we need to hear more of what Odingalt has decided on before we can manke many more sugestions.


Active Member
NameLess-Poster said:
I would put in my ideas but, i'am still new to this stuff. If this was to happen with the ps3 i would pick one up for sure.
Well it is going to happen....Od has something in the works.....he said more info in February