I actually created a turbo knife and riot on my raven controller by making a mimic tac of the X buttion then i just go to the editing software then i set up a class using the custom RB, Y. fast reload and set the speed to 5 so when im in that mod if i want to turbo knife/riot someone i hit the RS then the mimic X tac at the same time. If u know your way around a controller u can just solder a wire ruining from the X circuit to the first leg of the tac and another wire from a ground point to the second leg of the tac switch. Its a little hard to use during game play cause when your in that mode u cant reload your weapon unless u turn that mod off so thats why i make my tac on/off with a tap instead of holding it down for three seconds. So if your a experienced modder u can do this to achieve the turbo knife/riot but don't recommend it if you never done this before.