support ticket is seriously pisssin me off


New Member
Here is there first response to my problem
The results from the test code may be normal. What we need to know is what made you run the test code in the first place. What game were you playing? What driver was loaded on the controller and what were you doing to make you think that your controller was not working properly?

Without more details we cannot help you.

Here is my response
All in one driver is loaded
Fresh Batteries
The controller right trigger sometimes dose not respond
I also am experiencing the controller locking up
Very unhappy this is happening
Game being played mw2 as well as the spec ops beta

They respond back with this

Do you have troubles with the custom driver editor or one of the legacy drivers?

When you run teh button test code, the button test code will actually start running before you power up the controller giving false results. Be sure to power up the controller. If the controller is powered up but the LED's are still flashing (without hitting any buttons) then there may be a problem.

(with the button test code the LED's will flash all the time if you don't remember to power up the controller)

Now i told them wtf is going on so i responded with this
i am not having problems with the editor the damn controller itself is locking up the right trigger does not like to respond at times if this keeps up i will file a pay pal dispute i paid over 200 dollars and this controller is not working as it was stated how many other ways do you want me to describe the problem

I am seriously getting pissed off due to i have done all there damned tests ie
Fresh batteries
Button test

I am now to the point where i think i am being dicked around


New Member
Ok this controller is "high tech" and there could be A LOT of problems; they aren't going to know what's wrong right away. If you don't give them every single accurate detail about from the time you got the controller to the time the errors started to occur, then yes they will respond with an answer like that. Give Viking the results of the tests they tell you to perform, and if the problem isn't "user error" I guarantee you they will give you 100% customer satisfaction.


Useful Poster
You also did not listen to his advice in both of the emails he sent back. he told you to run the button test code and find out what button is malfunctioning, because it may not be the rt is malfunctioning but it may be rt is bridged with another button


New Member
i posted that i ran the button test code in the first damn message i sent you guys i have ran the code several times.
i also sent another message but seems i wont get an answer so i will post it here
If i put ten dollars in the box can you put the blue leds in wow giving you all more money i must be on drugs
also the controller when shipped did not hav akllot of packaging material in it the controller was able to slide back and forth
i will go buy more i expect it to be packed the same way when shipped back


New Member
This is really sad you guys are getting an attitude when i spend this much on a controller just to be treated like shit
I was going to buy two more vikings as gifts but seems i will be going elsewhere

modded matt

Active Member
dude, this forum is not realy a direct part of the viking shop. it is mainly comprised of enthusists who enjoy the product. We cannot directly help you. complaining here dosnt really do alot of good, nor does asking about the leds.

the forum here is to help you understand the controller, and help trouble shoot some of the comon problems. the person answering your support ticket has probably not even seen the forum threads.

I am sorry you are having problems. viking is a stand up company, hell if it dont get fixed send it to me ill fix it.

As for the statment of buying another viking, this is generaly a ploy, but if you are in the market for another controller, you will not find a better one than a viking. If you think the customer service at viking is bad, you are in for a rude awakining at some of the other mod shops.

I hope it all works out. Let me know if I can help anymore.


New Member
People like this honestly grind my gears so much. Okay we understand you are getting frustrated because you have been running the tests and giving as much detail possible into the support tickets, but you really have to simmer down. Viking is becoming into a bigger company everyday; you arn't the only customer/only one who needs help. You have to realize Viking probably has tons of supprt tickets to answer, as well as controllers to make, parts to order, various other time consuming tasks. Obviously they arn't going to ignore you, you just have to be patient and wait for help. Do you know of anyone else that hasn't been helped? You should be thankful that Viking has this helpful of a community. I don't know of any other modded controller companys that have a forum that provides as much support and help as us. I'm not trying to be mean but i think you're actually being quite rude, not only towards the product and support team, but to the community as well.
Please make sure you fully read and understand this post before you flame or chirp me.


Active Member
sly3571 said:
Here is there first response to my problem
The results from the test code may be normal. What we need to know is what made you run the test code in the first place. What game were you playing? What driver was loaded on the controller and what were you doing to make you think that your controller was not working properly?

Without more details we cannot help you.

Here is my response
All in one driver is loaded
Fresh Batteries
The controller right trigger sometimes dose not respond
I also am experiencing the controller locking up
Very unhappy this is happening
Game being played mw2 as well as the spec ops beta

They respond back with this

Do you have troubles with the custom driver editor or one of the legacy drivers?

When you run teh button test code, the button test code will actually start running before you power up the controller giving false results. Be sure to power up the controller. If the controller is powered up but the LED's are still flashing (without hitting any buttons) then there may be a problem.

(with the button test code the LED's will flash all the time if you don't remember to power up the controller)

Now i told them wtf is going on so i responded with this
i am not having problems with the editor the darn controller itself is locking up the right trigger does not like to respond at times if this keeps up i will file a pay pal dispute i paid over 200 dollars and this controller is not working as it was stated how many other ways do you want me to describe the problem

I am seriously getting pissed off due to i have done all there darn tests ie
Fresh batteries
Button test

I am now to the point where i think i am being dicked around

I think I might be able to solve your troubles....

1st: connect your controller up to your PC and put it into programming mode, then open up the HID (bootloader software)
2nd: make sure your controller is detected by the HID (bootloader program), then press the button "ERASE DEVICE"
4th: press the button "OPEN HEX FILE" and select the pre-set the "WORKS"
5th: press the button "PROGRAM/VERIFY"

I'm pretty sure this will fix your problem...... If not please don't get mad at me too!!!!!!


New Member
Dude, trust me.. when your controller starts working you'll <3 it 4ever! :)

Everyone has problems with the controller when they first get it. But it'll get solved eventually.


New Member
thank you fredrow i guess erasing it helped that is the one thing no one said to do in there lists sorry if i came off like a dick head i have been under a lot of stress latley
it is not easy being 31 and taking care of a disabled family member i guess my anger towards my personal life got twisted in this if i have offended anyone i am sorry


Active Member
sly3571 said:
thank you fredrow i guess erasing it helped that is the one thing no one said to do in there lists sorry if i came off like a dick head i have been under a lot of stress latley
it is not easy being 31 and taking care of a disabled family member i guess my anger towards my personal life got twisted in this if i have offended anyone i am sorry

Dude it's all good, everyone on here thinks Im dick anyways.......

modded matt

Active Member
I dont fred, I know where your coming from. lol

one thing that still has me abit stumped about this case though, the first step the bootloader/programer should take is to automatically erase the chip. so....?


Active Member
modded matt said:
I dont fred, I know where your coming from. lol

one thing that still has me abit stumped about this case though, the first step the bootloader/programer should take is to automatically erase the chip. so....?

Sweet!!!! Thanks dude, at least one person doesn'

Also I know what your saying too, about how it auto erases the chip before it loads up a pre-set. But as you know sometimes in microchips not everything gets total erased. I think all that it does is just kind of pushes the bits to the side and doesn't do a total erase. But if you press the "Erase device button I think it cleans ups some of that clutter that still might be hanging around up in the memory banks...... I hope this kind of makes sense, I almost started to confuse myself

PS3andCOD said:
He needed to check allow configureation, not erase the chip. But he had to erase the chip to check it, so...

No he still needed to erase the chip, I had this one kid who had a Raven that was on a CG board, which you do know, "MR. I don't play Xbox 360" ,that with the CG boards you DO NOT ever have to "check configure to Word" box; EVER..... Well his controller was acting like a fool, and I told him to just Erase the device and reload a pre-set...... Guess what happen "MR. I don't play Xbox 360"


OK... Your gonna be right, I'm not even going to try and argue it. I'm hoping that the new controller in the fall will work with PS3 throught the usb function odingalt is including for PC's. Most 3rd party usb controllers do work on PS3, so... It's not that "I don't" play xbox, I got a PS3 first and my parents won't let me get anything else now.


Active Member
PS3andCOD said:
OK... Your gonna be right, I'm not even going to try and argue it. I'm hoping that the new controller in the fall will work with PS3 throught the usb function odingalt is including for PC's. Most 3rd party usb controllers do work on PS3, so... It's not that "I don't" play xbox, I got a PS3 first and my parents won't let me get anything else now.

If you got a point to argue say it? Because its not really arguing, all we would be doing is learning from each other! That's the whole point of these forums is for us to learn more about ELEC & about the Viking360 controllers......

Also I really hope you didn't take any offense to the "MR. I don't play Xbox 360"??? You should know me by now dude, I'm a straight smart ass (ace)


No, I don't think I could argue that, especially when you mentioned it might not entirely erase the cip imbetween programings, which makes sense. And to be honest, you are right, I don't play xbox, so I have to justify being on the forum to myself too... Odingalt has expressed interest in making the viking work through USB, because he was planning to do it for the PC anyways, so why not the PS3? I'm just kinda waiting for that. See what happens anyways.