XBOX One/PS4 have a hard time because gamer expectations are at an all time high.... remember back when 360 was released... it hardly had anything... that had 3 or 4 dashboard updates before XBOX 360 became the awesome console it is today.
Microsoft should have waited until Winter of 2015 to release the new XBOX One. They should have guaranteed that DRM wouldn't eliminate "Second hand" used game sales. They should have unbundled kinect, or, included free kinect games and actually made kinect voice work (voice recognition is still a pile of shit, I got hoarse yelling at my xbox). These three things really piss off consumers. 360 still has some good years left in it, nobody wants kinect (at least not without awesome functionality and features which are seriously lacking, kinect doesn't do shit for you on XBOX One), and the DRM with regards specifically to used games and the always on connection requirement made customers angry. They should have found a better way to do DRM with a periodic check-in or some other kind of restriction if you didn't have an internet connection, but, found a way to require game makers to allow third-party/second hand used sales.
I don't game a lot guys, but every since I unboxed my XBOX One and PS4 (bought both for developing modded controllers), I only play my XBOX One. I haven't played my XBOX 360 but once to test some features on Call of Duty and it looked like crap, all pixelated. FYI I never played Forza until I bought XBOX One and that's just about all I play (and I'm not a very big racing fan either). The HD is crisp on both new consoles, it's hard to go back to the lower resolution of the games on the old gen consoles. On-line gameplay is infinitely superior because some of these games feature real host servers - instead of the laggy peer to peer hosting crap.
IF YOU UPGRADE TO XBOX ONE FOR ONE REASON, DO IT TO GET AWAY FROM THE PEER-TO-PEER HOSTING GARBAGE OF THE XBOX 360. P2p hosting on XBOX 360 ruined the entire XBOX 360 experience for me. I spent more hours on laggy sessions, and dropped game sessions, and waiting in lobbies than I spent actually playing games.
Also I was a big fan of the Microsoft DRM - simply because it would have allowed me to share my games anywhere in the world without lugging around my DVD's. I have lost hundreds of dollars on scratched up DVD discs and the crappy quality DVD drive in these consoles. The DRM was going to be awesome, let me buy games on-line disc-free and play them on any console anywhere on the planet = awesome in my book. Consumers were really narrow minded about the DRM and now we are stuck lugging around the fucking DVD's/blurays to our friend's for another decade...
People talked about buying used games at Gamestop being the #1 reason they didn't like the DRM - it's a waste of time - go there, buy a game, find out the disc is scratched, get ripped off (or spend the next 3 weekends driving back and forth to gamestop to keep trading out until you get a disc that actually works). Also the DRM didn't say there wouldn't be electronic used game sales, but it did say it might let certain game developers prevent re-sale of used games. Microsoft should have found a solution for this, if they would have guaranteed a "Second hand" used game market with DRM then they would have been able to win consumers back without turning 180 on their DRM policy.
I like the new consoles. I probably would not have bought one yet though, I only did because I had to in order to develop modded controllers. If I were a regular Joe Shmoe, I wouldn't have looked at upgrading for a couple of years, mostly because XBOX One arrived too early and they dropped the ball on a couple big items at launch, and the damn console is obviously early because none of the features were ready yet.