Well I think motion control should be an option because it can be fun on a few games, but ultimatley it cold ruin console gaming. The reason I said the thing about the four year old bill gates is because Microsoft has always supported mature gamers. Games today have shifted alot and now there are some 7 year olds playing 17+ games. I don't have much room to talk because I am only 14, but I hate wii But I still like my n64. Motion control is like 3D, it isn't for adult, mature movies. It is for shrek annd tteaching dragons tricks not Rambo, not saw, not discovery channel's frigging planet of the apes. 3d conversion will never happen, it only fs up kids movies and makes the toddles say "ooohhhh 3D momie mommie mommie I want to se the mobie pleeeaaasez. Microsoft has a strong sense of keeping little kids away from M games and they won't make a product for a generation that shouldn't be playing ing n the first place.