Well I was on youtube, Just browsing. And daktakid had a video about programming a Sleeper with pnc port.
And Then I noticed the comments, And I Wanted to know what the limitations was with modding the PnC Port; Instead of add a 3.5 mm jack.
dakotakid12345 (2 months ago) Show Hide
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If you choose 'modify pnc port' it includes a pnc cable, if you choose '3.5mm jack' it includes a usb-to-3.5mm cable.? Please note the limited functionality of your pnc if you choose that option.
And Then I noticed the comments, And I Wanted to know what the limitations was with modding the PnC Port; Instead of add a 3.5 mm jack.
dakotakid12345 (2 months ago) Show Hide
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If you choose 'modify pnc port' it includes a pnc cable, if you choose '3.5mm jack' it includes a usb-to-3.5mm cable.? Please note the limited functionality of your pnc if you choose that option.