Who thinks this is a good idea?


New Member
^ see if you can find any videos on youtube or other video hosting websites so you can see what the quality is like.
just to make sure its worth it.


Active Member
PS3andCOD said:
What is "theatre mode"? To be honnest, I've never even played Halo.
hey PS3nCOD first i gotta say am i happy i bought MAG and two the closest example to theater mode in h3 is UC2(uncharted 2) :D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
How many people have cap cards? This sounds like an awesome idea. We don't do nearly enough community functions like this (we have been giving away some free stuff as se7ensins.org, check them out there is an upcoming scavenger hunt and we're giving away a piano balck custom odin's raven:

http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pho ... 5141087409

(hopefully this facebook link works, I'm 'newbie' at facebook)


Useful Poster
Wow i ordered a controller from fredrow that should look just like that (piano black xcm, ps3 thumb, red led, duo)


I don't yet have a cap card, but am practicaly looking for an excuse to get one. I don't actually have a viking or even a 360 yet either, but I have this RROD 360 here, and if I get it working I'll buy a viking too.