

Based on what ive seen im going ps4 80% i dont like the fact that u need to have that kinect on almost all the time watching everything you do. I also dont like that if u wanna play offline u need to sign in every 24 hours or u cant play (im not sure what the consequence is). Im interested in more ps4 than xbox one game line up. I also read that ps4 will support cross platform gaming and keyboard and mouse which i love.
Even though u can turn off the whole xbox one console, i don't like that when the console is on which will be most of the time if im going to use it for more than just gaming. I dont want the kinect watching me all that time. We all know someone will try to hack the kinect and spy on people sonner or later or worst there might be some goverment law that will allow microsoft to spy on you if they suspect anything (i know it sounds crazy but crazyer things are happening in this day and age).

I will wait till the new consoles come out and will decide based on peoples reviews and what most my friends get (which were all thinking ps4)

I just hope than a new macro controller comes out for both consoles :D


Well-Known Member
These comments follow those made by Microsoft's Jeff Henshaw in an interview with Official Xbox Magazine, in which it was claimed that each Xbox One console will have access to cloud computing resources equivalent to three times its local compute performance. 'For every physical Xbox One we build, we're provisioning the CPU and storage equivalent of three Xbox Ones on the cloud,' said Henshaw. 'We're doing that flat out so that any game developer can assume that there's roughly three times the resources immediately available to their game, so they can build bigger, persistent levels that are more inclusive for players.'

Sorry sony has nothing! PS4 is in a dream world til they tap into this technology which they mite later! Until then Xbox is number 1! Which every hates what they called it but bam XboxOne says it all!


New Member
ps4 has the cloud too... i'm liking the ps4 a little more just because of the simple fact that my internet sucks and if it was to go down would suck not being able to play. i got xbox 360 and ps3 but have never bought a sub to live other than the 2 months of live i got for free just because i didnt want to pay for service i couldn't use. I know that ill have to pay to play in ps now but atleast if my internet does go down my console wont go down with it


New Member
But imo the better system will be the one that has the least amount of failures. The last generation was terrible on both sides.
Dd you guys watch the PS4 unveil? It froze about 10-12 times.. I'm sure it's probley due to lack of air ( being stuffed in the stage they stand on ) - but so was XBO and I didn't see it freeze once


New Member
not to worried about freezing. my xbox 360 ps3 pc all freeze from time to time.. i cant remember if xbox one even had someone come on the stage and play?


Well-Known Member
Sorry ps4 is not tied into the cloud the same way xbox one is! They only have what your xbox 360 has now! Not powered by it with 300,000 server! You better check again! Your hearing things!
Eh who cares - ps4 looked bad *** - but I would still buy a Xbox first, and that second. All my friends play xbox that alone keeps me playing it - if ps4 is as boring to turn on as ps3... It's doomed! But watching people play assins creed on stage and having the ps4 freeze 4-5 times so bad they had to end the games unveil early is a clear sign of things to come for me - they then brought out Destiny and it proceeded to freeze up another 5-6 times.


ModdingBros Representative
Its all personal prefrence. If u asked me now what id buy id say the XBOX one mainly for its telivision capibilities. More than likley ill probley buy the PS4 for their exclusives later on. I honestly think PS4 exclusives look cleaner than xbox one but i dont think the ps4 will have xfinity tv aps like xbox has. TV is a big seller for me due to my basic cable package. I have streamflix with xfinity and xbox has xfinity TV aps. I can watch my telivision shows in high def and netflex for high def movies. Ill wait till both consoles are released and real consumer reviews are documented. If PS4 has xfinity aps and gets better reviews than xbox one then I might just turn to the darkside. Realistically id like to get both but i know from past experences one will collect dust and one will be played. I will wait to deligate my final decision after say 3 to 4 months after both console releases! I will weigh every factor out like online cleaness, graphics with smooth refreash rates, telivision aps & what system that has the best exclusives. Again personal prefrence.
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Titanfall with cloud computing looks so bad ***, with the promised better AI and no host advantage, but it will only be out next year...


Well-Known Member
PS4 does't have a dog in the race messing with windows azure platform! Also everybody crying about the camera thing which the new technology tv's are doing the same thing as xbox one!


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Staff member
No host advantage??? Meaning they are actually going to bring back real game host servers?!?!?! Seriously???
