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  1. P

    I don't have a macro controller MLMx, I have a Ragnarok.

    I don't have a macro controller MLMx, I have a Ragnarok.
  2. P

    Ragnarok tips and tricks

    I'm wondering if anyone out there has any sugestions for what's beast with their mod? I've had mine for ages, but I haven't really stumbled upon anything revolutionary... Since my internet connection isn't amazing the mods don't work perfectly all the time, but I work around it lol... My...
  3. P

    New Intro For And V360SinneR!

    Looks sweet, but I think you accidently linked to the same video twice? Found the other one though, both are looking good.
  4. P

    Good Gaming Laptop

    ASUS is good too... My friend has the version of that one with only 1.5 gb video RAM and he loves it. Plays all the latest games on high and everything. It's $500 less than the most comparable alienware.
  5. P

    Go Mad with the MLG Mad Catz Controller

    There is 0 chance it'd be a CG2, that's specific to microsoft. It might be possible to make a macro chip work with it though, if it's some sort of common ground configureation you could solder on every point on the clip-on part... A lot of work lol.
  6. P

    Go Mad with the MLG Mad Catz Controller

    It's interesting that you can switch the sticks... I migh pick one of these up if they have any interesting add ons.
  7. P

    Modern Warfare 3 :: Prestige Shop!

    I'd seen something about this before, but it's confusing... How long does stuff stick for? The double xp was 2 hours, but what about the unlock gear, does that gear stay unlocked if you presteige again? Or create a class, does it stay in the next presteige? wtf is "challenges"? What exactly is...
  8. P

    MW3 Midnight release?

    I may be going, I want a hardened edition and I didn't preorder fast enough... I might also just go in the morning to a store with no midnight launch. Oh course I'm on PS3 anyways...
  9. P

    Custom PC.

    I'll keep that in mind... My current mobo has no integrated video at all, it's a AM3 though... Bulldozer is out now aparently, but it doesn't sound like it's all that amazing, just barely beating the high end intel's.
  10. P

    Custom PC.

    Sounds boss. I don't absolutely need anything until school starts next year, I'll probably try and wait, or even buy a really cheap (sub $30 lol) card to use for web browsing etc until the 600 line is out.
  11. P

    Anybody own guns?

    That could be, I'm in Ontario. I can just go shooting whenever I want here.
  12. P

    Custom PC.

    Yeah, I know how to buy a processor, just the graphics cards are a bit confusing somehimes... My current processor is a AMD 6 core black edition, but I won't be getting new gfx until I buy a new PC with bulldozer or the latest from intel in 6-8 months...
  13. P

    Anybody own guns?

    That's not true... If you have a gun license and a hunting license you can use long guns whenever you want, no extra paperwork required. In Ontario anyways, maybe Vancouver is different... You need something like that to use handguns though, and you can't hunt with them no matter what you do...
  14. P

    Anybody own guns?

    lol I would love a smg for some fun, but they're ilegal here regardless of what you do. I went to shoot one in the states, but aparently you have to be 21 to rent and/or shoot one at a range... My Canadian gun license means nothing to them either. Anyone over 21 can walk in and rent one, but my...
  15. P

    Custom PC.

    That's pretty much what I was thinking too, but I wasn't sure if 2 GTX 560's would have better performance. My board can run 2 slots at 16x, but then if you have 4 they all go to 8x... Are there even boards that run all 4 at 16x? It seems that when adding cards reduces the speed it kind of...
  16. P

    Anybody own guns?

    It's that specific gun that's expensive, thy aren't as popular here because we need a gun lisense for them still.
  17. P

    Anybody own guns?

    lol I paid $375. They're very expensive in Canada. I had a local gunshop quote me $540. I really wanted it though because it's got about the power of a normal .22 (it's a .22 cal airgun) but it's really quiet.
  18. P

    Anybody own guns?

    I have a super-magnum airgun... Benjamin XL1100. It's nice because it's pretty quiet. It's registered as a firearm up here in Canada, not like America where I could just go buy one...
  19. P

    Custom PC.

    What would you guys recomend, dual GTX 560's or a single GTX 580? Or what other graphics solution for under $500?
  20. P

    Best FPS Players ever

    I think we should make a thread called "Coolest cat ever -> bizzy" Wtf did you think, all the viking users would suddenly take your side and say mods are stupid and lame? If they're on the forum here, that have atleast considered getting a mod.