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  1. M

    Black & Blue Lit Custom Controller

    i have a one word
  2. M

    New Odin Controllers Make Gameplay Worse. Plz Help

    @Odingalt.... i must disagree about jitter. I find jitter to be loads of fun and not a gimmick its actually practical to use....given that you are less than 100 yards.
  3. M

    Just got my viking in the mail

    actually you should be glad you didnt get purple LEDs they draw more power to the controller costing you more money(batteries)
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    Ok guys today was my birthday!....i got the new xbox 360 and i will be posting a video next Saturday with my full in depth review on the beast of a console!!! :D
  5. M

    Does anyone have time for a bro?

    No I have a 1.53 kd on ps3
  6. M

    super street fighter 4

    I know he wants combos but that's the only thing we can give him right now
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    I have some news....

    i dont care i dont appreciate people telling me i cant do something that i can do
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    I have some news....

    Dude stay out of my posts....I can solder so f uck off
  9. M

    Just a simple question

    I'm pritty sure there 39.99 but I'm not 100% you sould contact fredrow
  10. M

    taking controller apart

    Re: bad led? The different colors take different amounts of LEDs are next to nothing where purple and blue almost are too much for the batteries
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    super street fighter 4

    I have never played sf4 but maybe you want to try the WWE driver
  12. M

    Dropshot mode not working

    Well it's wrong that's for the thors hammer and that's to change modes
  13. M

    I have some news....

    Hhhhhhmmmmm.....I think I'm going to buy a Viking diy kit and use that to put it out of it's misery :)
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    Does anyone have time for a bro? K/D is
  15. M

    auto spas

    He ment co-cked not roostered
  16. M

    Dropshot mode not working

    In the odins raven you press the tax switch on the back....I think it's left may be right tac
  17. M

    Does anyone have time for a bro?

    Hey are you still on my friends list?.....if not message me....I'm going to change my name soon...M1A1xVIKINGxFTW.....or V360 INSANE....idk
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    Im Back!!

    Hey when is the next lobby?
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    I have some news....

    The newsletter sweepstakes :evil:
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    I have some news....

    I just won an evil controller custom tailored to my tastes.....first I will do some testing with it...then sell it or.....somthing more evil......