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  1. M

    how to create a vikng gui shortcut without the installer

  2. M


    download winrar;pm then try downloading the file....if that still doesnt work i will put a tut on youtube ;)
  3. M

    chrome shells?

    good luck ;)
  4. M

    Faster, custom speed?

    WRONG the frame rate for modern warfare 2 is a constant 60 frames per second(stated by infinity ward to give a crisper cleaner game play footage) the sps has nothing to do with the frame rate the maximum ROF for mw2 is 13.80 sps....but it is true that you can not shoot faster than the frame...
  5. M

    Got this in the mail

    Calm dowwwwwnn charly it's OK If you secretly have a thing with drills....;)
  6. M

    Got this in the mail

  7. M

    BC2: Is there any gun to use?

    vss=full auto g3=full auto m14=13.80sps :D
  8. M

    Tell me what are the top 2 Q's asked?

    Ok please tell me this kid didn't really tell you that....if he did he is an idiot
  9. M

    Something funny about evil

    Screw fps freeks
  10. M


    Jk jk 8-)
  11. M


    hey fredrow whats wit da HOOD talkn u be doin round herrrrr :shock: :? 8-)
  12. M


    The promo ended....the codes you have may no longer be redeemable
  13. M

    Link Slots?

    it puts slot two under slot one basically....but no i find the two slots good...actually i could use three slots lol ;)
  14. M


    ok ok ok call me slow or an idiot but can anyone tell me how to get the dr pepper codes AFTER they stopped the promo...or if you got it can you give me your redeemed codes so i can try them???...thanks for anyone who can assist me :)
  15. M

    Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electronics

    Love creamsicles but I gotta agree about the's a bit boxy(my opinion)...could I make a sugestion????...maybe make the stencle wavy?....I think that would look sick-er....but that's your cup of tea I'm just giving a little constructive critisism
  16. M

    Discussion Thread: 'Viking Installer' - 5/3/2010

    Go to my YouTube channel i have a vid up about the YouTube is curtin94
  17. M

    Akimbo mode

    How was the quality??
  18. M

    Akimbo mode

    ok ok ok vids up heres the the linky
  19. M

    question about the pnc port modding

    the raven or hammer..the hand can not