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    After converting to Tebowism, the belief in Tebow as the Messiah, I'll be Tebowing for you to get the job. :rolleyes:
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    Shipping Charges High? International Shipping Questions? Please Visit Here!

    This. Macro controller = uses macros, only the macro controller can do that.
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    How To Disable Knife Button?

    No quick knife for PS3 yet, and about disabling the knife button - it is to my knowledge that you cannot. But have you tried changing modes? Try going to tactical, instead of default in-game. Then when you press RS, it will drop instead of knife.
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    Shipping Charges High? International Shipping Questions? Please Visit Here!

    Currently you can only buy the macro controller from
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    Help with a rapid fire.

    There are macros in the library for Dual rapid-fire triggers on just the RT. There you are! Assign to RT, and speed it up for MW3.
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    Teeeeeebow. Woaaaaah. God. Loves. Tebow. He wins games!
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    Shipping Charges High? International Shipping Questions? Please Visit Here!

    Yes. But from this website:
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    Shipping Charges High? International Shipping Questions? Please Visit Here!

    Yes, but form this website only.
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    Shipping Charges High? International Shipping Questions? Please Visit Here!

    The macro controller can only be shipped to the U.S. due to a problem with the UPS shipping api.
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    Shipping Charges High? International Shipping Questions? Please Visit Here!

    It is fixed, but now we cannot ship to anywhere but the U.S. on For better everything, go to
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    soft ware update question befor i order the rag

    You must have a windows computer. Yes.
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    detoX Looking for sponsorship?

    /Closed. We do not give out sponsorships. Sorry.
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    Free Ragnorak Controller

    Everything you need to know is found here:
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    Need help adjusting holdbreath and zoom macro

    I think it'll cost like $10,000-$30,000 for the shift key. If we sold 1000 macro controllers, we'd have to charge everyone $10-$30. Every. Single. Person. Not likely :/
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    used viking macro.

    With an ebay account and 100%, 100%! feedback, you can post the ebay link. You may not sell under the forums in any other condition other than ebay 100%.
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    In order for a profile picture to display....

    I just made a new usergroup "members" If you are a registered user, and have had an account for over 30 days / more than 10 posts, you'll be automatically upgraded to member. Your only bonus from going to registered user to member is that you can upload / display your own avatars. Enjoy.
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    In order for a profile picture to display....

    I'll see what I can do "big OD"
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    Need help adjusting holdbreath and zoom macro

    Make sure you are on the newest firmware. Everything you need to get on the newest firmware is here: Make sure to use new AA brand-new STORE BOUGHT batteries. So that they are good quality. The...
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    V360 Clan!

    Viking360 LLC/ VikingDigital LLC, Einar Offerdahl, NYjetsNY1, Odingalt, and any others at the actual company known simply as "viking" are not affiliated with any clans to date.
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    Give us a match

    What do you mean by scamming? The person might just have wanted to help promote viking by having you purchase a controller.