Well-Known Member
AimAssist LT: Assign to LT! Add a on/off tac if you like in which I prefer not to use one to free the tac's for other use!
Will help you zero in on kills with better hit markers! Works great with all guns including the sniper rifles!
AimAssist RT StrafeHipFireAuto: Assign to RT! Add a on/off tac if you like which I perfer myself!
It will Strafe side to side at a fast pace to mess with someone's head when there taking aim at you! It has very little
right stick movement to help along with the aim assist taking action but will zero in on the target! This is for hip firing!
I do use the AimAssist LT with this so if you want to aim without strafing this is the combo to run! It will cancel the
strafing when you ADS!
AimAssist Tac StrafeHipFireAuto: Assign to a Tac!
It will Strafe side to side and fire auto weapons by holding the tac down! Hip fire this!
AimAssist RT StrafeHipFireRF:
Assign to RT! Add a on/off tac if you like! Great aiming down sights and hip firing! Try the FAL with this have not tried anything else out yet! BEAST
AimAssist Tac StrafeHipFireRF:
Assign to Tac! Used FAL with this have not tried anything else! BEAST
Keep in mind works great when single target is in front of you! When multiple target's are in sight help out with the RS!
AimAssist LT: Assign to LT! Add a on/off tac if you like in which I prefer not to use one to free the tac's for other use!
Will help you zero in on kills with better hit markers! Works great with all guns including the sniper rifles!
AimAssist RT StrafeHipFireAuto: Assign to RT! Add a on/off tac if you like which I perfer myself!
It will Strafe side to side at a fast pace to mess with someone's head when there taking aim at you! It has very little
right stick movement to help along with the aim assist taking action but will zero in on the target! This is for hip firing!
I do use the AimAssist LT with this so if you want to aim without strafing this is the combo to run! It will cancel the
strafing when you ADS!
AimAssist Tac StrafeHipFireAuto: Assign to a Tac!
It will Strafe side to side and fire auto weapons by holding the tac down! Hip fire this!
AimAssist RT StrafeHipFireRF:
Assign to RT! Add a on/off tac if you like! Great aiming down sights and hip firing! Try the FAL with this have not tried anything else out yet! BEAST
AimAssist Tac StrafeHipFireRF:
Assign to Tac! Used FAL with this have not tried anything else! BEAST
Keep in mind works great when single target is in front of you! When multiple target's are in sight help out with the RS!
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