How about auto aim for COD ghost. To help out settings are as followed, "command" hold until LT is pulled; (hold LT) "command" Hold 93MS then (Release LT) "command" hold 7MS.
Here's some more ideas and I'll list all the commands to make them funtionable!.......
JUMP DROP SHOT: "Command" Hold until RT is Pulled, (hold A) "command" hold 60MS then (release A) (hold B) "command" hold until RT is released.
JUMP DROP SHOT LT CANCELE: "Command" Hold until LT is released and RT is pulled; (hold A) "command" hold 60MS then (Release A) (Hold B) "command" hold till RT is released.
JUMP DROP SHOT RESET: "command" Hold until RT is pulled, (hold A) "command" hold 60MS then (release A) (hold B) "command" hold till RT is released then (release B) "command" hold 60MS then (hold B), "command" Hold 60MS then (release B), "command" hold 60MS then (hold A), "command" hold 60 MS.
JUMP DROP SHOT RESET LT CANCLE: "command" hold until LT is released and RT is pulled, (hold A) "command" hold 50MS then (release A) (hold B) "command" hold until RT is released then (release B) "command" hold 50MS then (hold B) "command" hold 50MS then (release B) "command" hold 50MS then (hold A) "command" hold 50MS.
UNIVERSAL LT QUICKSCOPE: "Command" hold until LT is pulled (hold LS) "command" Hold until LT is released (Hold LT) (Hold LS) (hold RT) "command" hold 30MS then (release LT) (release LS) (release RT) "command" hold 30MS.
BATTLEFIELD 4 LT AUTOSPOT: "Command" hold until LT is pulled then (hold RB) "command" hold 200MS then (release RB) "command" hold 855MS.
BATTLEFIELD 4 AUTOSPOT ALWAYS ON: "Command" hold 255MS then (hold RB) "command" hold 200MS then (release RB) "command" hold 600MS.
"Command" hold until RT pull (hold X) (hold RT) "command" hold 20 MS then (release X) (hold RT) "command" hold 460 MS then (hold Y) (release RT) "command" hold 50MS then (release Y) (release RT) "command" hold 50MS then (hold Y) (release RT) "command" hold 50MS then (release Y) (release RT)
MW2 SPAZ JITTER SOH PERK: "command" hold until RT is pulled then (hold X) (hold RT) "command" hold 20 MS then (release X) (hold RT) "command" hold 250MS then (hold Y) (release RT) "command" hold 50MS then (release Y) (release RT) "command" (hold Y) (release RT) "command" hold 50MS (release Y) (release RT).
UNIVERSAL COD JITTER: "command" hold until RT pulled then (hold X) "command" hold 21MS then (release X) "command" hold 19MS them (hold Y) "command" hold 21MS then (release Y) "command" hold 19MS then (hold Y) "command" hold 21MS then (release Y)
These are great codes I've created and tested numerously! It would be nice to see a drop shot reset where u auto stand when RT is released.
The universal LT quickscope is a great code as well. U simply hold LT and release it when u want to quickscope/dragscope/ hard scope. It also doubles as semi auto akimbo double fire with just the tap of the LT. It eliminates being restricted to certain QS timings and gives u the option when to take the shot! You can also cancel the shot out say you have LT held all u need to do is tap Y (switch weapons) then release LT between weapon swaps.
The battlefeild 4 autospots are perfectly timed to register the marks and be silent. No clicking noise if RB is pressed too fast.
These other jitters are exclusives made by me! There are still a lot of die hard MW2 players. People will love these spaz jitters also the universal cod jitter is faster than your fastest XYY jitter on the ragnarok and work on all older cod titles. It's also beast in origional BO on ALL shotguns and burst riffles.
If you could incorporate some or all of these in the ragnarok chip it would really one up the ragnarok! If you got time just try my settings out. U will see these simple codes are actually gold. People love the jump drop shot as well!